Orange County NC Website
Orange County ~eal~h Depar~'nen~ <br />Postgraduate Year 4;ae t,evel <br />July ~, 200? <br />6~ The health department must provide HTV, FIBV and HCV testing for the <br />anent in the event of a blood borne pathogen exposure ~n the event the <br />p <br />resident is exposed to blood or bodily fluids, the health department will be <br />responsible far providing an initial response, according to the orange County <br />Health Department Blood~Borne Pathogens Standardw The resident will be <br />re wired to return to University of North Carolina Student Health Services for <br />q <br />post-incident testing and counseling if feasible. ~n the event the resident is <br />unable to do so in a timely manner, the health department will provide access to <br />testin ,and counseling for the resident. The resident will be responsible for the <br />g <br />payment of services <br />7. The erson whose services are to be provided pursuant to the Agreement is, for <br />p <br />all ur oses, an employee of The University of North Carolina Schaoi of <br />p p <br />Dentistry <br />8~ while the University of North Carolina School of dentistry resident is on rotation <br />at the orange County }health Department, their professional liability insurance <br />covers a will be provided .by the School of Dentistry with coverage.of at least $~. , <br />g <br />million, per occurrence, $3 million aggregate. <br />9~ This A regiment shall run for a period of one year, from the 1st day of duly, <br />g <br />X007 to the 3ath day of June, ~4g8, and shall be renewable thereafter. <br />~.g~The School of Dentistry will be responsible for training its residents to follow the <br />QSHA Blood-borne PathogensStandard, assuring that its residents comply with <br />the health re u"rrements established by North Carolina state regulations and the <br />q <br />. Schaal of Dentistry. <br />