Orange County NC Website
<br />remains in this area and to avoid any damage of cultural resources by the <br />proposed park development. <br />2} Area 2 approximately ~l acres} includes the sections of the site that are most <br />likely to contain historic andlvr archaeological resources. This area includes the <br />approximately 3z8-foot buffer along New Hope Creek, identified as an area of <br />high archaeological potential, with particular attention tv an area circled in red on <br />the uSG~S map, which according to local tradition may represent a historic <br />roadbed and series offords across the creek. ~illork in this area should include a <br />full Surface and Subsurface Investigation to evaluate any sites or potential sites <br />prior to future ground disturbance and to avoid any damage of cultural resources <br />by the proposed development, which will likely include pedestrian trails. <br />3} Area 3 approximately ~3 acres} includes the remaining portions of the site, <br />areas that are likely to be used for low-impact recreation or open space. work in <br />Area 3 should include aReconnaissance-level survey to identify any areas that <br />appear to merit additional investigation. <br />The survey will be comprised of the following principal components: ~a} background <br />research, fib} a surface and possible subsurface investigation of the area Areas 1 & 2} <br />proposed farfacilities construction, ~c} a limited field reconnaissance of the remainder of <br />the property Area 3},and ~d} a reporting of results. These components are described <br />as fellows; <br />A. ~accground Research <br />Prior to the initiation of the field investigations the Contractor shall undertake <br />background research sufficient to acquire a work"rng familiarity with the natural and <br />cultural resources in the study area and to locate any previously recorded historical or <br />archaevlogicallysigoificant sites on the property, including former roads, historic <br />structures, and any significant landscape alterations associated with those historic <br />structures. The North Carolina Division of Archives and History ~~ffice of State <br />Archaeology} should be contacted to determine whether there are any such recorded <br />sites, and to reference existing architectural and archaeological survey files. ether <br />resources should include, but not be limited to "An Archaeological Survey of Pardons of <br />Grange County, North Carolina," by 1. Randolph Daniel, Jr., An Inventory of Cultural, <br />Nrstar~cal, Recreational Slological, and ~eologxcal Signr`fr"cance In ~~e Unincorpvra~ed <br />Portions of Grange County, the Nistorr"c Preservalian ~'Iemenl of ff~e grange County <br />Comprehensive Plan, the ~ 98 ~ Land Use dement of fhe orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan and ERCD staff research files. <br />B. Surface and Subsurface investigation of Areas & 2 <br />The Contractor should perform surface and possible subsurface investigation in <br />potential construction areas shown as Area ~ on the Hollow Rock Access ArealNew <br />Hope Preserve Areas for Evaluation Map} and those areas most likely to contain historic <br />andlvr archaeological resources shown as Area 2 on the Areas far Evaluation Map}. <br />The amount of subsurface excavation will depend on the results of initial surface <br />investigation, and may require intensive subsurface shovel test pits ~STPs} only in <br />5 <br />