Orange County NC Website
8 <br />behind the location of the former convenient stare, visible from Erwin Road and is <br />privately owned. <br />Most of the property is wooded with pine and mixed-aged hardwoods. The land slopes <br />from both the northern and eastern boundaries ~64D feet elevation}down toward the <br />western portion of the future park toward New Hope Creek. There is an open area, <br />approximately one acre, at a high paint on the site along the northern portion of the <br />property where it shares a boundary line with the Triangle Land Conservancy. <br />According to aerial photo, that site has remained open since 1935. The property also <br />slopes down toward the smaller tributary flawing narth~south through the center of the <br />tracts. Portions of the property along New Hvpe Creek and an unnamed feeder stream <br />ion the former Penny tract} are within the 1 aD-year floodplain. <br />Approximatelytwenty-seven ~~l} acres of the subject property are located within an <br />area identified as having a high potential for archaeological remains based an its <br />proximity to New Hope Creek, and all of the property is located within an area identified <br />as having a medium potential far archaeological remains. Please see attached maps} <br />Local experts also suggest the likelihood that a historic trading path andlor roadbed <br />see area circled in red on the CJSGS map} and possibly a Native American village were <br />once located within the vicinity of the future park site, and two Native American <br />archaeological sites X31 t~R?" and 31 ~R13}have been recorded in the area. The project <br />also offers the opportunity to re-locate site 31 CR?`, recorded by an amateur many years <br />ago. This Native American site, which contained Middle and Late Archaic and Late <br />Woodland artifacts, appears tv be located within the "high probability area." <br />A Master Plan lillork Group far the proposed "Hallow Rock Access Area" is scheduled to <br />convene in September ~DD7 to develop a master plan far the site by early DOS. The <br />findings from the cultural resources survey will be provided to this work group far its use <br />in designing the facility. It is expected that the master plan will accommodate only <br />facilities with a "passive" orlow-impact design ~i.e,, no active playing fields} that will <br />enable the site to retain most, if not all, of the natural, cultural and scenic components of <br />the property. grange County will also use the survey findings at a subsequent date far <br />planning the New Hope Creek Preserve. <br />t. Descri f ion of work <br />The County is requesting a cultural resources survey for use in planning the proposed <br />"Hallow Rock Access Area." ~'or the purposes of this project, County staff has divided <br />the park property into three main areas See Hollow Rock Access Area and New Hope <br />Preserve Areas for evaluation Map}. <br />1 } Area 1 approximately l acres} includes portions of the site that maybe <br />significantly disturbed for the construction of new facilities-parking areas and <br />associated driveways and possibly a comfort station. Work in Area 1 should <br />include a full Surface and Subsurface Investigation to locate and evaluate the <br />probable significance and extent of any archaeological or historically significant <br />4 <br />