Orange County NC Website
Orange County ~ <br />Environment &~ Resource Conservation <br />3o6.AR~V~~~ ~.~~~~PO $a~ s~.s~ <br />ii~s~aoxau~~., ~C 27278 <br />Phony: X919} 245-2590, ~~~: X919} 644-335 <br />,,~ ~. ~, <br />July 23, ~oa7 <br />MEM~R~AVDUM <br />T~: Archaeology Consultants <br />F`RaM: Tina Nloon, ~'RCD Cultural Resources Special~s~ <br />SUBJECT: Request for Proposals -Cultural Resources Survey <br />Hollow Rock Access Area and New Hope Creek Preserve <br />Grange & Durham counties, North Carolina <br />grange County is seeking a qualified and experienced archaeologists} to conduct a <br />cultural resources survey on several adjacent tracts X97 acres total} purchased for the <br />proposed Hollow Rock Access Area and adjoining New Hope Creek Preserve. The <br />Hallow Rock Access Area will include a trail and limited parking, along with other limited <br />facilities sited in a natural area. Information from the survey will be used to assist with the <br />siting of future facilities and for identifying areas of historic and cultural interest for <br />interpretation. <br />The subject property is located along the southeast side of Erwin Road ASR X734} at the <br />intersection with Pickett Road ASR ~ 303}. It extends from New Hope Creek, on the west, <br />tv just beyond the boundary line between C}range and Durham counties. The proposed <br />Hollow Rock Access Area is a multi jurisdictional project, with property owned by Orange <br />and Durham counties, the City of Durham, the Town of Chapel Hill, and others. The <br />future New Hope Creek Preserve continues downstream along New Elope Creek, and <br />may include a future trail connection. The site is predominately wooded. New Hope <br />Creek forms the western boundary line of the public open space, with a smaller tributary <br />flowing diagonally northeast-southwest through the center of the property. <br />The findings from the survey will be provided to a joint committee charged with developing <br />a master plan far the proposed "Hollow Rock Access Area." It is expected that the master <br />plan will accommodate limited facilities with a low~impact design that will enable the site to <br />retain most or all of the natural, cultural and scenic components of the property. The <br />information will also be used at a subsequent date by grange County for planning the <br />New Hope Creek Preserve. <br />