Orange County NC Website
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />Q. ~~y do .~ need t.~is sc.~ed~x.~e? <br />A. ~.ccoxding to G.S. §i.Zl-5 and G.S. X132-3, you may only destroy public records with the cansent of the <br />Department of Cultural Resouxces. ':Phis schedule is the primary way DCR gives its consent. without <br />approving this schedule, youx county is obligated to obtain. the Department's pexmission to destroy afy recoxd, <br />na matter how insignificant. <br />Q. w"~e~ can ,~ destroy records? <br />A. Each xecoxds sexier listed on this schedule has specific disposition instxuctions which will indicate how loflg <br />that series must be kept in youx offices. In same cases, the disposition instxuctivns are simply "Retain %n office <br />pexmanently," which means that those xecoxds must be kept in your offices faxevex. <br />Q. ''C~.~at f~.~,rx~ services do you provide? <br />.A.. The Department of Cultural Resources pxovides micrvfilrning of the nuuutes of maoxdecision-making bvaxds <br />and comumi.ssions in a county. we will also film xecoxds of adoptions fox youx Soaal Sexvices agency. Unce <br />those xecoxds are filmed, we will. stoxe the silvex negative the original} in oux secuxity vault, <br />.fit the time this schedule is published, there is no fee fox the filming or fox storage. There will be a fee if you <br />request duplicate xeels of film, ox if we destxay your adoption xecoxds after filu~ing. Contact the analyst <br />assigned to your county fox the most curxent infaxmation. <br />Q. ''~".~at s.hou~Cd .f do i.o case of fire or f.~oad? <br />.A.. Secure the area, and keep evexyone out until. fire ox other safety pxofessionals allow entry. Then, call our <br />Raleigh office at X919} 807-7365 for the Head of the Local Recoxds Pxogxa~m ax X919} 847-7339 fox the State <br />Preservation CJfficex. if you'xe ~. the westexn paxt of the state, call oux Asheville Gffice at X828} 274-6789. <br />Nights and weekends, call yaur local emergency management office. <br />.oo ~va~.~~~.~~ ~o .~ov.~ o~ c~-~v~~co~s. <br />Damaged xecoxds are extremely fragile and requixe careful handling. aux staff is trained in prelimin.axy <br />xecvvery techniques, and professional vendoxs can handle largex disasters. . <br />Q. ~~ a c a,a .~ c a.~.~ way t.h q u e s tar o.n s ? <br />A. if you axe located west of about Statesville, call our westexn Off ce in Asheville at X828} 274-6789. East of <br />Statesville, all the way to the coast, call our Raleigh off ce at X919} 807-7350. <br />.r <br />ll <br />