Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC RECORDS WITH SHORT-TERM VALUE <br />Go~.~.~.~~s .~o~ ~~~.~ .~~.~.~~~o.~~ ~~s.~a~~~~o.~ <br />~.ccoxding to North Carolinna General Statutes X121 and §132, every document, papex,letter, map, book, phatogxaph, <br />film, sound recording, magnetic ox other tape, electronic data processing record, artifact, ox other documentary material, <br />regardless of physical form ox characteristic, made or received in connection with the transaction of public business by <br />any state, county, municipal agency, or other political subdivision of goverxunent is considered a public record and may <br />not be disposed of, erased, or destroyed without speafic guidance from the Department of Cultural Resources. The <br />Department of Cultural Resources xecogn:izes that many recoxds exist that may have very short-term value to the <br />creating agency. 'i"hese guidelines, along with any approved program recoxds retention and disposition schedule, are <br />intended to authotize the ex~pediti.ous disposal of xecords possessing only brief administrative, f seal, legal, research, or <br />reference value, in vxder to enhance the efficient management of public recoxds. Examples of those recoxds include: <br />• facsimile cover sheets containing only transmittal ~"to" and "Exam"} information, ox information that does not <br />add significance to the transmitted material; <br />~ routing slips ox other records that transmit attachments; <br />~ xeservati,ons and confirmations; <br />• personal messages including electronic mail} not related to off cial business; <br />e preliminary or rough drafts containing no significant information that is not also contained in the final drafts of <br />the recoxds; <br />documents downloaded from the World ode Web or by file transfer protocol not used in the transaction of <br />business; <br />~ recoxds that do not contain information necessary to conduct official, business, meet statutory obligations, carry <br />out administrative functions, ox meet organizational ob jectives. <br />The recoxds described above may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of when their reference value ends. <br />These guidelines axe not intended to serve as authorization to destroy or otherwise dispose of unscheduled xecords. <br />They are intended to complement the use of an approved records xetent[on and disposition schedule for the creating <br />gove~nent ox agency, not replace ox supersede it. Should a creating government ox governmental agency lack an <br />approved records retention and disposition schedule, it may not destroy ox otherwise dispose of any records in its <br />custody, whether in electronic, papex, or other format ~~ncluding electronic mail} until it receives approval of its Request <br />and Approval of 7aaseheduled Records Disposal ~.ocated at the end of the this schedule}. Such offices should <br />contact the Goverment Records Branch of the Division of Historical Resources fox assistance in creating a schedule. <br />While recoxds of short texzn value may be discarded as described above, all public employees should be familiar with <br />specific xecoxds retention and disposition schedules and applicable guidelines for their office and the public recoxds law <br />G.S. 132}: When in doubt about whether a record has short-tea~a. value, or whether it has special. significance ox <br />importance, retain the record in question. <br />