Orange County NC Website
DISASTER ASSISTANCE <br />C~. w'~at s.hou.~d .~ do ~~ case of fire or food? <br />.A.. Secure the area, and keep everyone out until five or other safety professionals allow entry. Then, call our <br />Raleigh office at X919} 8077365 far the dead of the Local Records Program or ~919~ 807-7339 far the State <br />Preservation Dfficex. xf you're in the western part of the state, call ,our Asheville Office at X828} 274-6789. <br />Nights and weekends, call your local emergency management office. <br />DD ND~"A.T~'E',~P'~" TD ,N~DV.~ DR G~EA.NrANY~`C(l.RDS. <br />Damaged records axe extremely fragile and require careful handling. Dux staff is trained in prelimv.~ary <br />recovery techniques, and professional vendors can handle your larger disasters. <br />Q, .hat ~he~p do yvu give ~n case of an ernergency? <br />.A.. we will do everything we can to make a visit to you at the earliest opportunity to provide hands-an assistance. <br />we can assist you an appraising the records that have been damaged so that precious resources and especially <br />time axe not spent on records with lesser value. we can provide lists of professional recovery vendors that <br />you can contact to preserve your essential and permanent records. <br />Q. ~ih a t can f d o to prep are for an e.rxz ergen cy? ' <br />.~. we provide training to interested governments on disaster preparation. we discuss the roles of proper <br />inventories, staff training, and advance contracts with recovery vendors. if you would like to have this <br />workshop presented, just call the analyst assigned to your county. <br />STAFF TRAINING <br />C~. 'D~~hat types of warks~ops or tra~n'ng do you offer? <br />.~. while we have a group of prepared workshops that we can offer at any flame, we axe also happy to work with <br />you directly to develop training suited to your specific needs. Dux basic workshops axe: <br />• Managing Pub is Records: Law and Pxac~ice inn North Carolina -our basic <br />introduction to the Public Records law and records management; <br />o Evaluating Filing Systems -- how to evaluate and improve filing systems; <br />~ Scanning Public Records: Layi.~g the Groundwork ~ considerations and procedures <br />to establish an imaging system; <br />• Disaster Preparedness and Recovery how to be prepared far disasters, and what <br />will have tv be done after a disaster happens; <br />a llZicxo~ming as a P~teservation Took. Digital imaging and Micrvf~n ~-why <br />nucrofil~m is still used, and how it can work with digital technologies. <br />~. ~"~I~t you design a wor.~s.~o,p espec~a~~y for our office? <br />.A.. Yes, we will. Let the analyst assigned to your county know what type of training you need. <br />~. ~]v we .have to comae to ,~a~efg~ for works.hops? <br />.A.. No, we will came to your offices to present the workshops you need. we have no minimum audience <br />requixetn.ent. we wall. also do presentations for professional associations, regional consortiums, and the public. <br />C~. .~s tih ere a fe e for works.h op s ? <br />.A.. Not at this flame. <br />. <br />