Orange County NC Website
MICROFILM <br />Q. Why do you st~~.t use rnaictafi.t~n? . <br />.~. Micxofilm is a legally acceptable replacement fox arigiaal xecoxds, as outlined in G.S. §5-45 and ~153.c'~.-~43C~. <br />Our office pxovides a publication, ~icmgraphic.~: ~"echnical and Le~a~'.Prncedure,~, on our website. It explains the <br />four gxoups of national standards fox the pxoduction of archival quality micxofilfla: <br />~ manufacture of xaw film <br />~- filming methods <br />• pxocessing developing) film <br />• stoxage methods <br />That publication also pxovides sa.~mple forms, targets, and pxoceduxes that you ox your vendor can use in <br />producing film of your xecoxds. <br />M"aicxof~lm can be read with nothing :more soplusficated than a magnifying glass. Thexe is no software tv keep <br />current Usually, deterioxation in the film~itself ca:a be detected by visual inspection. <br />Q. 'Chat fx~trn setv~ces do you ~prov~de? <br />~.. The 1Jepaxtment of Cultural Resources pxovides ~nicxoftlming of minutes of majax deasionWmaking boards and <br />commissions in a county. 'C~Pe will also film xecoxds of adoptions fox your Soaal Services agency. Grace those <br />records are filmed, we will store the silvex original in our security vault. <br />.fit the time this schedule is published, thexe is no fee fox the fsJming or for stoxage. There will. be a fee if you <br />request duplicate reels of film, vx if we destroy your adoption xecoxds after filming. Contact the analyst <br />assigned to your county for the most curxent information. <br />Q. .1~'ow do .~ get my minutes fi.trned? <br />A.. We have two processes to film minutes. l~ixst, you can send photocopies of youx approved minutes to us in the <br />mail,. Simply include a copy of the "~er~sficatiotr of the .Pn~aratian of 11~inutes for~icm~lmitt~'' form. available on~in.e <br />at http://w~ww with each shipment. Fox moxe detailed <br />instxuctions, contact the analyst assigned to your county. . <br />.r~ltexnatively, you can bring us your original baoks. ~e wall film them and xeturn them to you. This pxocess is <br />most useful when you have moxe minutes to film than you axe willing to photocopy. Tt is impaxtant to <br />remember that a representative of your office or ours must transport the original books in person so that the <br />custody of the xecoxds is maintained. You should not mail or ship your original minutes. Call the analyst <br />assigned to your county to make arrangements fox an appointment for your books to be filmed. V0e will make <br />every effort to expedite the filming sv that your books will be returned to you as quickly as possible. <br />Q. What ~f .~ need .any books white they'.te be~ng.fx~lrned? <br />A. gust call the Raleigh C]ffice at X919} SD7-7354, and ask for the analyst in charge of minutes. <br />Q. Can f em ai.t you my min u tes ? <br />A. Not at this time. 'fie require photocopies of the approved minutes, complete with signatures. <br />Q. .~ have some rn~nutes that aren't signed. Can they st~~IZ be f~~Ixned? <br />.A.. if the only copy you have available is unsigned, and you use it as the official. copy, we v~ill film it. <br />Q. What ~f amy boos are destroyed after they have been f~i~tmed? <br />A. Call the analyst assigned to your county, who will. help you make arrangements to purchase copies of the <br />microfilm. from our office. You can then send those reels to a vendor, who can either make new printed <br />baoks, ox scan the film to create a digital copy. <br />.N. <br />Vlll <br />