Orange County NC Website
ELECTRONIC RECORDS AND <br />DIGITAL IMAGING <br />Q. when ca.~ r C~e.~ete xny emax~C? <br />.A.. Electronic mail is just as much a record as any traditional paper record, and must be treated in the same ways. <br />It is the content of each message that is important. if a particular message would have been filed as a paper <br />memo, it should still be filed either in your email program ox in pour regular directory structure, and it should <br />be :retained the same length of time as its paper counterparts. Zt is inappropriate to destroy email simply <br />because storage limits have been reached. <br />'1'laree of our publications will be particularly helpful available online at <br />h ww~w records ~: <br />~ ~ Fail as a Public Aecard in .N~arth Carolina: Guideli~re r far itr .A.e~e~a~iatr acrd Di.~o~i~io~a <br />~ .F email User Guidelines Checklist <br />• .I1~arth Carolina Public Aecards with Short Term Value: Guideli~ses far their Ke~e~rtia~r acrd ~i.~a~itiarr <br />p. ~e .have an ~magxng system. Do we .have to .keep the paper? <br />.~.. You may scan any record, including permanent records. Your office should follow the instructions in the .21Tarth <br />Carolina Cuidelittes far.N.~a~ra~in~ Public .Regards Produced by Information ~"echrrala~y Systems to conduct the Self D~a~anty <br />process, develop an Electronic Records Policy, and complete a copy of the Request to Destroy Records <br />Duplicated by Electronic Mears, ~ocated at the end of this schedule. Then submit all three to us. <br />Permanent records must have a preservation copy as defined by G.S. X132-$.2: , <br />Preservation duplicates shall be durable, accurate, complete and clear, and such duplicates made <br />by a photographic, photo static, microfilm, micro card, miniature photographic, or other process <br />which accurately reproduces and forms a durable medium for so reproducing the original shall <br />have the same force and effect for all purposes as the original record whether the original record <br />is in existence ox not.... Such preservation duplicates shall be preserved in the place and manner <br />of safekeeping prescribed by the Department of Cultural Resources. <br />The preservation duplicate of permanent records must be either on paper or microfilm. <br />Nan-permanent records maybe retained in any format. You will, have to take precautions with records that <br />you must keep more than about 14 years. Computer systems do not have Tong life cycles. Each tune you <br />change computer systems, you ~ have to convert all records to the new system so that you can assure their <br />preservation and provide access. Your off ce will. still be required to conduct the Self Warranty process, <br />establish an Electronic Records 'olicy, and submit the Request to ~]estroy Records Dupieated by <br />Electrorue N.eans force. for our approval. , <br />Q. Do .~ .have to print my ema.~.~ to ~fIe ~t? <br />~. .~s long as the email is not a permanent record, as defm.ed by the schedule, you may elect to keep it in <br />electronic format. <br />(~. Computer storage is cheap. .~'~~ just keep .rny computer records. <br />.A.. The best practice is to destroy all records that have met their retention requirements at the same, <br />regardless of format. <br />Q. .~ use roy persona. ema~I account for work. ~o one can see my persona. <br />e.m a ~.~. <br />~4. The best practice is to avoid using personal resources, including private ern.ail accounts, for public business.. <br />G.S. §1321 states that records "made ox received pursuant to law or ordinance in cannectiotr with the transaction of <br />public business by any agency of North Carolina goverment or its subdivisions" are public records emphasis <br />added. The fact that public records reside in a personal email account is irrelevant. <br />vu <br />