NS Contract - Corley Redfoot Zack for Fairview Community Park
Board of County Commissioners
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General Contracts and Agreements
NS Contract - Corley Redfoot Zack for Fairview Community Park
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Last modified
4/27/2011 11:08:47 AM
Creation date
5/26/2009 10:06:56 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-26-2007-4q
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2007\Agenda - 06-26-2007
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7 <br />• flood prone rfp <br />your proposal to the <br />Orange County Purchasing Agent, 129 East King Street, PO Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC <br />27278. <br />orange County reserves the right to interview any and all firms prior to selection. <br />The orange County Purchasing contact is navid Cannell. He can be contacted at (919) <br />245-2651 or via <br />Email at (preferred). A copy of this RFP as well as <br />addendum will be posted on <br />the orange county website at: <br /> Orange County. <br />reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and waive minor variances. <br />Proposals received after the <br />due date/time shall not be considered. <br />SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: <br />A. All respondents .are requested to provide the information cited below, as well as <br />any supplemental <br />information that you feel provides a comprehensive view of your firm, the proposed <br />design team and <br />your approach to this project. However, information should be presented in a clear <br />and concise <br />manner. <br />0 <br />1. Firm name, address, and telephone number of each firm, including the name, title, <br />address and <br />telephone and fax numbers, and a-mail address of each contact person during period <br />of response <br />evaluation. <br />2. A one-page statement of interest and qualifications for this project. <br />3. A brief (maximum two-page) project understanding description. Include any <br />concerns regarding <br />scheduling, concept, and expectations. <br />4. Discussion of.your firm's specific abilities and expertise to•provide the <br />required professional <br />services and qualifications related to project requirements ,. including project <br />management skills and <br />methodology to monitor project budgets. <br />5. Key personnel proposed as project team members, including detailed resumes. <br />clearly identify sub <br />consultants, if proposed, with similar information. <br />6. Examples of specific knowledge, expertise .and project management experience <br />related to this type <br />of project.. <br />7. Descriptions of recent and related projects the firm. <br />8. References of at least three clients for which your fi rm has provided similar <br />professional services. <br />Please include current contact info (name, telephone & email) for each referenced <br />pro ect. Also list <br />sta~f from your firm that was/is assigned to~the referenced project <br />9. Provide written information and examples of work experience of the "project <br />manager" identified <br />that will lead the work on behalf of the firm, which include a description of the <br />approach used to <br />develop elevation certificates. <br />B. Cost Proposal Format <br />The Cost Proposal shall be a lump sum "not to exceed," with a per structure dollar <br />amount, and as <br />detailed above shall be in a separate envelope attached to the hard copy original <br />• o <br />Page 3 <br />
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