<br />Ikrcumrnts. including thou m eletxrnnic lirmt. fix mfiinnarion and rrlcrcnre in
<br />connection with the Pmjrct. l'licnt shall not use tht I1e;ien (krrumrnts. including
<br />m tlr~trcrnir limn famished M Summit irr its xut+ccrn:ultatri, un alhrr
<br />t>. lire addition: to this Prnlcct. or far the completion of this I'roirct h~
<br />. uitMrw the r~prcss wntlcn Ccm,rnt ~rl'Sumrnit ~\nt trues without ttrinrn
<br />~~rnsrnt ,hall hr at ('I rein-, nsl and till Ir~al responsrhlm l'hrnt au+t. to hold
<br />h:rrrttlr,c anJ inJrnuut~ ~ummn and ns .ut+:r+n,uhant; firm im inJ all diems.
<br />,tut;. Jrman.l,. clama_~". lrahihur,. anJ ar,h. mdudur' rrasrrnahlc attornct tCr,-
<br />arnm2 liam su.h rru,c
<br />nl Rctrntion of ItrMUrnrnts: tiummn tit ell n~tant. pursuant o+ n. u,twl lrrcument
<br />rctrntitxt ptnc~~. rruxJ, rcliting u+ the Norl Grr a prri++J ++1 three ut [tars
<br />Gdlowm~ armpktiun of the lL,rrl+ ftunrns thi> prnt~d. rrtorJ, gill hr maJc
<br />atatlahlc hr the (lirnr :tit ~ummn", orrice, durm_+ nurm:tl hu,mr>, hour, uprm
<br />set rn r ? r day's nnucr
<br />(~) ~shesurs and Ilarardnus \laterialx: ('tilt" ++thrntr,r ,pecilicallc pr.r+rdcd
<br />m tftr ticopr ul~ tirnrccs. tiummit and ns ,ul+cunsultants ,hall h:nr na
<br />re;pomtMht~ tiff the Jrsarsrn. prr,encr. hanJlm_e. mmutal. or Jisprr,il al
<br />ashrair, ar h:vardous ur toxic material:
<br />It1 7crmination and Sucprnsion: 7~hr, .~erranrm mad hr ternunatrJ M .ether
<br />pam upon stern r't Jabs written nnlice in the r+rnl ul';uhst:unial lailurc M the
<br />other pam' to perlirrnt m accnrdancr u nh the terms hcrcol' such termutauan
<br />,hall oat be el7cartr dlhr,uh;tantial fadure rs remedied hrtixe rxpiralian ol'the
<br />;etcn r7t digs. ('hrni, failure fir pad im~ucrs within [him 1 !trl Jabs shall hr
<br />Jrcntrd a :uh,lautial liulurc to prrtirrm In :uch tern[. Summa mat tcmtrnatr
<br />this Aarcrmrm or tmmedtitrh susprnJ the prni~mtancr of srntres anal :uch
<br />lailurt~ has been cured Ihr ('lirm mat trrminatr then .\nrcemrnl lire its
<br />rnmcnrencc upon IourtcYn 1 111 Jays t+rinrn notice In the rtrnl ul a trmnnatiun
<br />li+r a+nermrncr. C lien[ till pat Summit fire sea ra~s performed to the trmm~atian
<br />rl7cctrte daft plus rcasonahlr tenninrtr+m expenses within tent t Ito wlrnJar dais
<br />of rttcrpt of i ling( mtutrr.
<br />In the rt•rnt the prated. or am phis[ of rt is JelacrJ lire reaans heconJ tiummit':
<br />rontnrl. unhllyd wort. wtll ht imurcrJ at the standarJ hour([ tarts fix the actual
<br />number of boon rxpendrJ Complded pha,ts will ht hilleJ m Ices quoted
<br />herein.
<br />F.) Disputes: In an r1Tnn w rr,trhr and conlhrts that ariec during the dc~tgn rrr
<br />ruction of the I'nrjrd or atler cinnplrtion of the Prrrjrd. all claims. disput+r-
<br />~rr matters in qucspon hrrt+'ccn tht pantts to this .agrcunent that arise out of
<br />elate to this A+_rrrmcm ur the breath thrrcrof shall br suhmineJ ro nonbinding
<br />mediation hctixcr neutral third-pam mediator acccptabk w Mah pantts. Such
<br />mediation shall hr a cundili+nt precedent k"r the rnmmcncrmrm nl'am Ir~al :uaon
<br />arising irut of thi::\+sr+xment es+xpt thi>,c Irgat pr+krrdin+_c related to ('li~mt',
<br />railure to pay. - -
<br />The mediation :hall hr conducted m accordance with the C unstnrctiirn
<br />Industn' Slydiatitm Rules of the American .Arbitretiun Assnciatiun currcnll~ in
<br />etTed unltss the pMics agree othrrwist. fhr coo of the mrdiaurr shall he home
<br />equally by the panics.:\ demanJ lire mediation shall Me made within a reasonable
<br />time alter the claim. disport nr other matter hoc arisen. In no e~'rnt shall such
<br />Jrmand hr made aticr the date applicable stamtrs of limitation ur repou: would
<br />bar a Itgal rrr cqurtahlc action based on such claim. dispute or oth+x maucv
<br />In tht rt'cnt of litigatiirn relating to the sut7icirncy or aJryuary of
<br />prrformancr of services called for by this Agreement should tiummit obtain a
<br />jud,nttnt dismissing C'lirnt"s action or claim or other resolution wherein Summit
<br />is not required to make compensation to C'lirnt in excess of its final nlTer mad[ to
<br />('(tent in tht mraiiation. Summit shall br crotitlrJ to rcro~cr all rants incurred in
<br />the drftnse of the claim indudine sta(T time. court costs. repir- witness Pres. and
<br />reasonable anome~:: firs. and other claim rrlatrJ expencrs
<br />FI ('hoice of lawvl'enue: Phis :\grcemrnt .hall hr unvrmrJ M the laws of the slate
<br />m which the Summit ol7icc rdentifirJ below r, Incited. with+ru- rceard a+ its law• of
<br />umlhca of law,. Am Icgal xrtiun cx pnrccrdine :hall I+r vcnutd in the Stitt ur 1•cJcral
<br />Cuun ncarcq Ihr mumripalm in whrrh Summit"s ot7icr is IvcatrJ
<br />(:) titatute of LimitationsJRcpuse: C'ausrs of artiun p+:nainme to thi, :lgrrrrncm
<br />shall hr JednrJ to bast accnrrJ anJ the applicable .[grate, ~+f limnauon anJ opt+,r
<br />:hall comntenrr to Hiner the raxhrr.+l~ri[hrr tl>< Jate.dCuh;tvnial C'omplrt:r+n of the
<br />I'ngrct or the dart tiununn~, ,cn:.c, .rrr .uhaannalh_ axrplrte
<br />III \ssi_ns: \rnhrr the chcrn tiro ~ummn ntat Jcle_tatr :>,.r_m. •x trin,lcr his
<br />Jutie, or rntrre,t m thr> .\_rremcnt t+rth.xu axr,rnl ~+f Ihr other ptm. cxspt ~untmn
<br />ma. m rts Jrscrcuun utilve yualrlird ~uharn~ult:un: m rho prrti+nn:ntce r~l the ~~r•pr
<br />. d tirn tees
<br />1) Force ~lajcurc: \enher pant to tht, \grrrntcnt ;hag hr Irahle to the other Grr
<br />Jclat, m prrlirrmin_~ the rhlraatinns ~alkJ tar M tht+ r\_rrrru~mt. ~+r the Jeerer anJ
<br />mdirca ctrl. r~tiulune limn .u.h ;Irla~.- [hit irr :uu>rJ M Irt+nr ,tnl.r,. n~rt~. war.
<br />:kt, of +_utemntcnt authontir, rxtrurrJnwn writhrr-condiuuni or ~ahrr natural
<br />cita.tmphe. ur am other .-au,r heu+nJ the rcaurnahlc [intro( +v armentplauon .rl
<br />erthrr pam.
<br />.II So Third-yarn Beneficiaries: Sr+thim_ m thu 1+srrrmrnt ,letll treat a
<br />comrndual relation,hrp wnh ur _nr am riJu ar hrnrlit to am thirJ pang.
<br />1-1 4~erahilih. Reformation and tuning(: II'am pruti;u,n in then 4_rcenrrnt r,
<br />held insaliJ. illegal. ur unrntirrccahtr. [hr rntirrrrahdits ul the rcrnainin_ pnr.r,ums
<br />.hall nil t+e impaxrJ thrreM 1 hr utt ahJ. i11re:J ur uncnlirrcr:rhlr Prot rsian ,hall hr
<br />rrpL•tcrJ M :! mlllnallt aarptahlr pnr+r~ion. t+hi.h trine sahJ. Ic_~al anJ
<br />rnfixcrahlr. taints dose,[ to the pantts' uuentiun unJcrhm_' IhC mvaliJ. ills gal ur
<br />unrntirrcrahlt pri~ctuon I tmitauons ul habilit.. inJcmnttirs. anJ athrr rsprrss
<br />rcpre,entalion; ,hall wit nr termmauun of th.ts :\grccmem fix am taunt.
<br />L) Risk \Ilocation•'I.imiution of Liabilr!h'_ l lien[ :mJ ~ummn hate dr;russcd the
<br />ask,'. rewards. inJ the hencfil of the pmlrct :utJ Summit', total Ice ti+r ccnr~rs Ihr
<br />nck< bier tcti~n allocatctii such tha- the l Irrnt agree, that to tht fullest extent pemtineJ
<br />ht lat+. Sumnut's total liahilitt to (Tern( •rnd c.xtstntdiim urntrtdors anJ
<br />suhcontradon lix am anJ all infants. Hann:. losses. csptns+:c. damn^_rs or claim:
<br />rxprn,rs •rrisms gut ~+1' Ibis :ltsramrnr liam am taunt or causes. is limned ur ind
<br />,hall not exccrJ tiumnut's tie ur S3jfl.INHt whicheccr is smaller Such taunts induJr
<br />but arc not limited to J+ril_T profe,sianal's negligrnrr. nc_+li:rnt nttsrrprr.rntatirxt.
<br />errors. omissions. stnct liahihh :utJ breach r+f contract. I lighrr Irmits .rl IiaMlit) irr
<br />at'ailable fix a nrsotiated fer-
<br />~II Indemnification: I n the I'ullrst e~trnr prrmtltcJ h~ law. C bent a_n:rs to
<br />tndrmnih and hold harmhss \ummil. its officers. Directors. tmplo~+~rs. agents, anJ
<br />subennsultants Irom ill claims. dantas+s. injuries. liabilities. roots anJ exprmc•+.
<br />uuluJmg rcasirrtable anomc-~, Ii:C, arisrne from nr darned to aria Germ the acts.
<br />omissions. nr_h_rncr. fault. breach of rnntricK. breach of wamtnt~. or ;tact Iuthililg
<br />ufClicnt or its cmplo~res. i_rnts, cuntardurs anJ xnc~ontracuxs
<br />\- Consequential Dame^es: \otw•ithstanJing am other prusisron ol'thrs Agrcrntem
<br />and ur the fullest extent penninrd h~ late. neither ('lien[ nor Swntnit shall be liable lix
<br />am urnsryuential damages incurreJ Jue to the fault of the other pam' regirdles of
<br />the nature of the fault or t+hrther n was committed bg C'liirtt. Summit. their
<br />rmplo~crs. a=cots. suhron:ultantc or whcuntradors. Cnnscqurnlial damaeti indult.
<br />but are tint IimitcD ut. loss of use and loss ol'prntit.
<br />U- Cornplcte :Agreement: This ,lgrrcmcnt constitutes Ihr entire agrcx:mrnt ben+rrn
<br />the panics hereto attD Sll(k751'd+.5 all prl'+Inllti unDrrst.•trtdings and agrcemtnts with
<br />respect to the Crojrrt nr am' of the pnrv.isions hrreul'. Vo statement. promise.
<br />atndition. understanding. mduu:mettt. or reprcsrntation: oral or w•rittcn. cxprr.uD nr
<br />nnplicd. which is nM cotnairnJ hercm shill hr hindinE or ealiJ and thi,' A_reemcnt
<br />;hall not hr chaneeD. mcrdlieJ ur altercJ m an}• manner except hg an instruntcm in
<br />writing executrJ h. the parties hercm
<br />13p signior[ this .Agreement. gnu are consenting In the'I'erms and C'onditiuns set forth herein. Please roam a copy Inc ~•aundf and return a signet uri_~inal ur Camino
<br />Client Orange County
<br />Purchasing Department
<br />13\
<br />rSiHnalurel
<br />:I'nnt ~iamcr
<br />Date _
<br />Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC
<br />Address IUUU Corporate Dri~~e. Suitt; IUI
<br />City State Fl,alsborou_~h \C~7378 ~
<br />Dun Uet-w. I'F----- --~_ '
<br />1 I'nnt 1
<br />Date \l:tt i I.:(1r1-
<br />LJGeoterhn(raU(ontrarts'f)range Counq~ -Construction \laterials 1'cstirrg. Espansinn to.lustice Facilih. IIiIIsMrrout;h.Doc 13 of 3)
<br />