Orange County NC Website
<br />1 CK1v7J AIrU L <br />t<enct.~ I: C'uev~^s Rtcrtt~ststrartes <br />:~1 (lient'c Representatiy-e: The C"bent :hall ap{ a rcprescntatiyc <br />authurizcd to act on the C"liem"s I+chalf with reiprc-t w the 1'rnicd. The Clitm nr <br />ni rcpresentatiyc;hall make dca.iuns m a timd~ mannw rr~•ardinc all aspens nl' <br />the Project..hall cvamitu docunurot. suhmittrd hy' Summit l`onsuhin_ Fneuttcr5 <br />~hercinatty:r reftrrcd to as Summits and render Jtcisions m a timely manner d~ <br />avnd unrca.onahlc delay m the orderly and scqucnttal pnN`ns ut Summit". <br />;en ia:rs and thy: Prglect schedule acaxptcd by C"bent <br />KI Client's Pn~ram and Budget Requirements: Cheat .hall pray ide tiummit <br />full information in a umtk manna? rc_ardm_ all it rcgtnrcmcntc fiv the Prutc~t <br />ntcluding its ol+jccuye;. schedule. aiteria amstraints and bud_ah ntCluding <br />rcaumahle ccmtinecrtctes. ' <br />('1 Right of Entn-: Client shall pn+r~dr rieht of cola liv Summit" n. aatT. <br />subconsultartts. anJ all ncccssan eympmrnt to complttt the \1'url:. Summit yyill <br />take rcaumablc prccauti:ms w minimi~t damage to propcm. l liens und~YStands <br />that in the mttmal ccxrrse of work x+mc damage ma} occur. the correeuun of <br />which is not pan.of this A_recment. <br />DI Required Information: C'Ittni will famish tiummit all rnfi+rmata+n. <br />rcyuircments. data. rcpnns. sunrys and mstrucunns required to complete thr <br />Scups of Ccn•iccs" including idrntitjing the type and 4+catiun of underground <br />impmvemrnts and utilities. and all r~istint: conditions. Summit shall hayc the <br />n~ht ut rch• upcm the complc[cncss and accyracy of such infi+rmati~m ("licm <br />aclatowied_es that certain assumptions u ill ht made rc~rding existing umditiuns <br />that cannot bt veriliul w ithout Destruction nr damage to tsistins facilities. To the <br />tidlrst carol pennined by law. Client auces io waive all claims against. and to <br />hold harmltsc acrd indemnify. Summit •and etc wbconsultants. tiff damage; to <br />underground impn+vcments and utilities and fctt any ct+stc associated with <br />undtsc:hncd existing cayndilinns. <br />E1 Im•nices: Summit will rrnder invoices eccn~ thirty dyes. Payment is due <br />upon preematiun o(' invoice and is past due thirty (30- days tiom imoict date. <br />("licnt agctis u. pay a smiCC charge of oat and one half percent (I'."•o) per <br />month. ur the maximum rate allowtd by law. at past due acca+unts. Payment of <br />invoices ;hall ncx he subject to any disurunts, set-offs. or backchargts M Clicm <br />unless agreed w in writing by Summit. C"lirm shall pay all costs. exprnsrs. and <br />disiributiuns. including collection agency fees and expyroses. court u+sts and <br />reasonable •atttitnrys' fees incurred by Summit. in the event collection or heal <br />processes are employed to ccrllea outstanding bills. <br />Ft Sales Tar: Clirnt w•tll pen- any applicable sales tax wltencver deemed to Ix <br />due. Payment terms are exclusive ot'sales utx. <br />~N7'IfLE II: Sl'~t~lll'~S RESP(/\SIa11.ITtES <br />:A) Standard of Carc: Summit shall perfixm the services gllcd lix by this <br />Agreement ycith the Irvel of care and skill ordinarily exercised b}• memlx~rs of the <br />same professions currently practicing under similar a+nditions. ~a other <br />warranty. expressed or implied. is made. Client acknowltdgcs that incrcascd <br />cbsls and changes may t+e required due w omission. ambiguities •and <br />inconststrncirs in the drawings and specifications. Client agrees io set aside a <br />contingtncy of at least : °~. of the Project cmtslrucKion cost to pay for these casts <br />and changes. C'lirnt funkier agrees it will make no claims against Summit fix any <br />such costs and changes covered by wch comingrncy fund. <br />B) Complisace with Laws, C'odea and Standards: Corrsistertt with the <br />professional standard of care. Summit will comply with laws. axles. and • <br />standards applicable to the PntjecK design as of the effective date of this <br />Agreement or the issuance of the construction plans and specifications. w•hichrvcr <br />is lath. <br />C`- ('ertifieations: Summit. shall sign. if requested by Client. a statement that to <br />the best of its knowledge, information and txairf. based in whole or in part ivl <br />information provided by others. the accurst.} of which has sex been verified. that <br />the Prgjtxt has l+eetr completed in gtneral a+nformancc with the plans and <br />sprcitiCations. Cummit shall hex be required to sign any dcx:umertts. ncy manse by <br />wh<un requested. in which Summit is required u+ certify. guarantor or warrant tltt <br />existence of conditions the existence of which Summit has not or cannot accenain <br />[)) Construction Phacte Services: If construction phase sen•ices• are required in <br />the Scope of Cen•icts. the folloycintt trmts shall apply° <br />11 Site Ubsenation: If :its ohsrn•atiar ytsits arc to he pmcidcd ha Summa. <br />~ummn :hall visit the cite at inten•als apprapnate to the secret of the canstrununt. <br />•x a; othcnyisr expressly agreed to in the Sa+pr of k~ryices. in order to ohunc <br />the pru2resc and quality of the w•orl. Ci~mplned -by the cunlmMOr Such <br />obstn alien rs nut meant to be an txhau;ticr sheet or a detailed insptctinn of the <br />amtrscux's wort: but rather to allow l+tcomc gero~ralh• familiar with <br />the praw~~s of the \\'ork and to dctemrine in gcntrsl if the ycorl. is lycing <br />perfi+rmtd in a mannaY indicating that. ychcn fully amtple.KCd. the w-urk will ht in <br />accaxdance with the C'amtracl Documcnu tiummit shall rxu bt required to male <br />VPIVI I IVIrJ <br />rnnunuous ur c~haustiyc inspecti~ars to Check the gttantiq anJ yualin of the <br />acre ,halt Cummit he respcn.ihlc for the C'antractar's failure tc. pcrli.rm the N°o <br />ac:curdancc wuh the C`unv:uh t7,xumc:nt; <br />~1 Rejection of N-urk: tiummit shall hate the authority to rcjr~l am work of the <br />Cnntradur; that rs ma. m Summtt"s protcs.i~mal judemcnt. m accordance with the <br />Camtrudum IH+CUnrrnts. Vtnher this autlhmty our the •t~wKl lathh IuJemcnt to rCtra <br />~+r nPt rCll'CI ally .uCh wurl.~ shall suhjtct Summa tv am hahditi nr cau;c of action on <br />Ixhalf of the Ccvrtractors, ;uhcontradors nr am other supplier: nr prroms pa:rfomung <br />pc+nam. of the wort: on [he PrrjCn. <br />31 \)urk bite tiafety ; i'lirnt asrtix that Summa shall ruu .up~:rctct ax Jirrct_ ur hayc <br />am re;lx+ns~bdity liv. Control nyer w charge oti the Cnntrack+r..' work or the <br />can;trunion Carom. m~Khc+ds. ttchniyuc.. sryucnccs or procCJur~.. or fur the work <br />sac .allay prccauuans ur programs m canncctiun wdh the N'nrk. 'these nJtts and <br />rtspcrosihilitiCS arc solely tlxne ul' the pain ax pants perlbmung the actual <br />constructum .+f the Project. Neither the pndisannal achy iris; of Summit. nor the <br />prcstncc of Summit prrw+nntl and suhccvnultants at the constmction site. shall rcliayc <br />the l'ontraCtivs and am uthtx rntin of thcir'uhlieatian.. duuas and rL~lx+n:ihilitirs <br />mcludine but ne8 broiled to. comstruction means. mtthaxl>. scyucnct. techniques ttt <br />procedures rteassan far pwfittming, superintrnclmg att cattdmating all pc+nions of <br />the N'ork safely anJ in accordance with any heahh or safcn requirements of am <br />rcculau+n agency. Thr t'h~rot at_TC•es that the C'lirnt Summit and its subamsultants <br />.hall be indcmnificd M thr Conlradarrs and shall hr made adJnit+nal insureds tntJrr <br />the Contracu.n' ~wneral. umbrella and ecccss liability insurance lx+licies. <br />~- Submittalz and tihop Drawings: If the Ccupr ul ticniccs includcw the rtyicya of <br />Cc+ntractor submittak anJ s1u+p drawing. then Summit will rahicw such submittals <br />•and shop Jrawingi for lhC limited put•pnse of checking lift confi~rmancr with the <br />design tc+nCept expressed and the infi+tmaticm provided in the Construction <br />Dcycumtnu This review shall ruu include review of the accuracy ctt ecmtpletenass of <br />details, such as quantities. dimensions, yyctghts or gauges. lahriwti:m prcxxsscs. <br />construction means or methods. ccxtttlination of the work wish uthtr trada:s or <br />construction safcn precautions. all of which arc the responsibibty of the Ccmlractors. <br />the rth•ityv shall lx axrducled with rtasonahle promptness yyhde allrnring sulTicicm <br />time in Summits judgment w pcrntit adcquare rcyiryr (ttvitw of a specific ' <br />shall not indicate that Summit has rcviraed the corset acscmhl} of which the its <br />contponaau Summit shall not be respnnsihle Pctt am deviations from the C'o <br />fh.cuments ncu brought to its attention in writing by the Contractor. Summit shall rmt <br />I+r required to rccityv partial submissions or those for which submissions of correlated <br />dems have ncu bttn rcceicrd. <br />$) Requests for ('larifitation ur Interprcgtion: Summit shall pmyidc. with <br />reacortahle promptness. ycritttn responses w requests tiom Contractors far <br />clarification and interpretation of the requirements of the Contras IAx:umcnts. If <br />such requests felt information. clarification or interpretation arr. in Summit's <br />professional opinion. for inlonnation readily apparent fiom rcasonablr ob;enation of <br />field conditions or a r~w-icw= of the Contract lkx:umcnts, or rcasemahly infcrahlc <br />[he:n:t~ont. Summit shall he erotitled w additional comprn+atictn at its regular billing <br />rates far its time spent responding w such requests. <br />61 Record Dercumen[s: II'rryuired M• the Scope of Sen•ices. upon armplction ol'thc <br />Work. Summit shall compile for and deliver to the Cliem a reproducible set of Record <br />fhtcutrtcnts conforming to the marked-up prints. drawings and cnhrv data tumished to <br />Summit by the Contractor This set of Record Documenu will chow significant <br />changes made during construnion. Becawr these Record Documents are ha+ed un <br />unverified inli~rmalitm- provided by other ponies that Summit well assume to be <br />reliable. Summit canncu and dtww nut warrant their accuracy. <br />EI Insurance: Summit shall maintain wtxker's compensation insurance required by <br />law. Cummit rrprescnts and warrants that it maintains general liability anJ propttty <br />damage insurantx C'tnificates for such pc+licies shall be provided -o Client upon <br />written request C'litnt ;hall maintain at its own cast and e~ptnse. its own etneral <br />liahihtr and property damage insurance. C'licnt and Summit ycaivc all rights against <br />each othcv and tiummiYs subcumultanls. aecnts and rmplo«tis liv damages caused <br />by any peril to the extent rnvcred fi~ the property insurance maintained by Client <br />except to the extent such procexds are held he Client a; nvstre This waiver of <br />subrogation shall be ell'ectiyt as to a person ax entity even though that person or entity <br />would otherwise have a duty of indemnification. contrecturd yx otherwise. did run pay <br />the insurance premium dtrrcih ur indirectly. and whether nr not the pcrsim or tntit~ <br />had an in;urablr sourest in the prnptrtp dnma~ed. <br />ArTick 111: Crnenl L.eeal Provisions <br />11 Ownership of fk+cuments: Drawinc;. specifications and all ether documcntc <br />pfCirarcat M Summit cv its subeonsuhants. including those in electronic term <br />rculltnivch "lksign Dt+crrmrnts")are insttvrrtertts ufscnix Summa shall rctai <br />common law. slatuwn and other restM1ed riches. includinc aq+)ncht tlxveto. <br />Dysigrr Ih•+cumrnu. includinc [hose in tltctmnia fixm are liunisheel fur u;C se+ <br />with respect u. this .\grerment Clirnl is permitted to rtnain copies of the Iksi~n <br />L:/GtrotechnicalK'untncts/Onnge County -Construction Slaterials Testin>;. E:pension to.lustice Facility. Ilillslxrrvwgh.doc 12 of 31 <br />