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•Procedures and requirements for Comprehensive Plan amendments clearly articulated in Article <br /> 2 <br /> — references to Article 20 removed <br /> •County and Non-County initiated amendments treated identically <br /> •A rezoning for the same property may be considered at the same public hearing only if <br /> consistent with an adopted Small Area Plan <br /> Recommendation <br /> •Receive the Planning Board recommendation for approval (Vote: 8 - 1) <br /> *Close the public hearing <br /> •Approve the proposed amendments to Article 2 of the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the language <br /> and clearly articulate the procedures for amendments to the adopted Comprehensive Plan <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked clarifying questions about notifications for property owners, <br /> which were answered by staff. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the three-meeting notice could be addressed by changing <br /> the language and giving the County Commissioners the chance to change the procedure. She <br /> made reference to regarding the date of a recommendation and the second paragraph, <br /> and suggested the following change: "If the Board of County Commissioners does not so direct, <br /> the Planning Board shall make its recommendation within three regularly scheduled Planning <br /> Board meetings, unless the Board of County Commissioners grants an extension to a new date <br /> certain." Her opinion is to do the Comprehensive Plan and then do rezoning separately. She <br /> said that you have to be careful when rezoning is being done the same time as a Comprehensive <br /> Plan so that people are not taken unawares. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with the option of additional time as suggested by <br /> Commissioner Gordon, and the other commissioners agreed. Commissioner Jacobs thinks that <br /> the compromise of bringing forward the small area plans in a different way than zoning with <br /> major Comprehensive Plan amendments is okay. He asked if there was some place in the article <br /> where "affected property owner" is defined. Shannon Berry said that it is defined, but it could be <br /> clarified. <br /> Geof Gledhill said that affected means property that is going to be changed by the <br /> Comprehensive Plan with the land use map change. That language can be added without <br /> bringing it back. He suggested the following language, "the property affected, the property that is <br /> subject to the land use plan map amendment." <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 9, the last paragraph and asked if it was <br /> the applicant's, the Board of County Commissioners', or the staff's choice about whether the <br /> amendment can be considered in conjunction with the zoning. Shannon Berry said that it would <br /> be the applicant's choice whether to apply simultaneously. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the County Commissioners could act on one and not the other. <br /> Geof Gledhill proposed some different language from above: "affected means the site <br /> proposed for the land use change." <br /> Discussion ensued about the difference between a withdrawal of an application and a <br /> denial. <br />