Orange County NC Website
Governments tomorrow to meet the new Executive Director. The Legislative Breakfast was held <br /> this morning and the goal is to have the TJCOG have more of a regional presence. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she attended a breakfast sponsored by the Hillsborough <br /> Chamber. She just learned about some enabling legislation for Edgecomb County and publicly <br /> financing houses for teachers and county employees. She thinks that this is an interesting idea <br /> and she would like more information on this. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he attended the Carrboro Board of Aldermen meeting to <br /> recognize former County Commissioner and former Carrboro resident Shirley Marshall. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz - no comment <br /> Commissioner Hemminger— no comment <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the Long Range Transportation Plan for this area is out <br /> for public comment and she would like to request that this item be put on the agenda for May 51h <br /> Also, the Commission for the Environment has been working on a resolution about biosolids <br /> application in the County. The resolution asks for a task force to be created. She would like this <br /> on an agenda soon. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that the Orange County Housing and Land Trust voted to <br /> change its name to Community Home Trust. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she met with Mayors Foy and Chilton to talk about library <br /> services and they agreed that they will use the September AOG meeting to discuss moving <br /> forward with library services in Orange County. Staffs will be tasked with reviewing both task <br /> force reports and bringing back possible recommendations. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she was invited to meet with the UNC student body leadership <br /> last week to talk about how to establish a relationship with them. Prior to that, she met with the <br /> Durham Tech Board of Trustees and, as far as the budget for 2009-2010, Durham Tech is <br /> reasonably set to run the majority of its programs. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked staff what happened to the Orange/Alamance County line <br /> issue. There was discussion about having two public hearings and it has dropped off the radar. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that this was supposed to be discussed previously at a work session. Staff <br /> is gathering materials to have meetings with Commissioners in groups of twos or threes to give <br /> basic information and to have discussion. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the public has no clue what the County is doing and to <br /> have subterranean conversations is not right and is a disservice to citizens. Laura Blackmon <br /> said that there would be no subterranean meetings, but the staff would be providing the County <br /> Commissioners with information and would answer questions. There would be no decisions <br /> made in these meetings. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that outreach to Alamance County and to the citizens is <br /> needed. There needs to be a plan that is broadcast. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> 10. Appointments <br /> a. Arts Commission — New Appointments <br /> The Board considered making new appointments to the Arts Commission. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> appoint Emily Lees, Audra Marotta, and Tiffany Johnson to first full terms ending March 31, 2011 <br /> to the Arts Commission. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs nominated Tiffney Marley for Tiffany Johnson's position. <br /> VOTE on Emily Lees: UNANIMOUS <br /> VOTE on Audra Marotta: UNANIMOUS <br />