Minutes - 19751209
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19751209
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~ :=~~~G <br />He stated that after a study of the Grady Brown Buildings and <br />if the Grady Brown Buildings "made sense" it would be appropriate <br />to take the County's space requirement and project them into a <br />schematic plan for the remodeling of the Grady Brown School which <br />would enable the Board to develop cast estimates far the renovation. <br />He stated that his firm would work with the County to determine <br />the best situation for the County if the Grady Brown Buildings proved <br />not to be feasible. <br />In reply to Commissioner Gustaveson's question concerning jail <br />facilities, Mr. Anderson stated that a jail facility must be in <br />accordance to Department of Corrections specificatiens. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that his firm would negotiate a fixed amount <br />for designing the facilities not to exceed 7~ of the construction cost. <br />Mr. Anderson concluded that the Facility Study was a step by step <br />orderly thinking process. By starting with what you have, determine <br />what you need and how+well functions meet these needs, the problems <br />and cost involved to satisfy those needs, and then look at alternatives <br />and make a determination to proceed to the next level of detail. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that a basic Facility Study would take 90 <br />days, and a final Study would take 120 days. <br />Chairman Garrett reminded the Board that the time was 10:30 p.m. <br />and inquired if the Board wished to continued to finish the Agenda? <br />Commissioner Pinney moved that the Board extend the time in order <br />'to complete the Agenda. Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion. <br />All members voted aye. The motion was passed. <br />The Chairman stated that the Board needed to make a decision <br />on hiring an architect so that the Study could get underway. The <br />Board agreed to meet on Thursday, December 11, 1975, at 7:3D p.m. <br />to decide on an architect and possibly discuss other items. <br />~ Chairman Garrett referred to Item #3 on the Agenda: Consideration <br />- of a contract with James Webb to perform architectural services in <br />connection with the renovation of Northside School as a Mental Health <br />Facility. <br />Mrs. Garrett introduced James Webb, a Chapel Hill Architect. <br />Mr. Webb stated that he had been associated with Mrs. Pat Walton of <br />the Orange-Person-Chatham Mental Health Center, and her staff for <br />some time and was familiar with their programs. Consideration of the <br />Northside classroom space came to his attention two years ago when <br />the space problem became critical for Mental Health: He stated that <br />this architectual service is not tied in with the County's Facility <br />Study but that a space analysis in relationship to all the function <br />to take place in the Northside buildings had already been conducted <br />at no charge. The recommended fee of 9~$ had been arrived at, as an <br />equitable fee, based on the knowledge of what is involved, and <br />through discussion with the County Manager and Ms. Walton. He stated <br />that final plans for Northside must be certified through the Health <br />Facility Administration in Raleigh which provides another layer of <br />_ review and consideration and which also means that an architect must <br />meet the requirements of the State Facility in Raleigh as well as <br />the County Commissioners. <br />- Ms. Walter informed the Board that Mr. Webb was the original <br />architect for the Northside School when it was built. <br />Commissioner Whitted inquired of Mr. Webb of the time required <br />to complete his plans. <br />Mr. Webb stated that he could start immediately and will need <br />six months to prepare drawings and take bids for cost estimations. <br />Commissioner Walker asked if other architects have been considered <br />for possible lowest bids? <br />Ms. Walton replied, "no" that Mr. Webb had developed the schematics <br />for the purpose of the Construction Grant and the Mental Health Board <br />felt they would save time and money by employing Mr. Webb. <br />
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