Orange County NC Website
1 <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />ARTICLE 1: ~ 1,1E\T'F RF~rO\SINILITIES <br />Client's Representative: 'fhe C'lirnt shall appoint a rcprcscnlati+e <br />rthorized to act on the ClirnYs hrhall with respect to the Project. lltr C'licnt ur <br />it. rcprrsrntati+e .hall make decisions in a time)} manner reearding all aspects of <br />the Pmjrct. shall examine documents suhmined M Summit ('onsultim! 1=neinrrrs <br />ihrreinafter rcfcrr~d «+ as Summrtl and render decision> in a timelc manner to <br />avoid unrcasonahle dcta+ m the urdrrh and sequential prosrcss of Summits <br />services and the Protect schedule accepted h} C'lirnt. <br />B- ClicnYs Pn~ram and Budget Requirements: Client shall provide Summit <br />tirll inlitrntation in a umeh manner rreardim_ all its requirrmrnu for the Pmjrct <br />mduding its objectives. schedule. critrna.~ constraints and bud~~rt includine <br />reasonahlr conunsencirs. <br />Cl Right of Fntry: C")tent shall provide right of entry for Summit. to staff: <br />.uheonsultants. and all necessan equipment to complete the N`ork. Summit will <br />take rcasonablc precautions to minimize damage to pmpem. Client undrntands <br />that in the normal rnursc of wort: some damage ma} occur, the a~rrcction of <br />++•hich is not pan of this Aerecmenl. <br />D) Required Information: Client will famish Summit all information. <br />requirements. data, capons. survey:c and instmctions required to complete the <br />Scope of Senices. including idtntihing.the type and kx:ation of underground <br />impmvements and utilities. and all rxislin, conditions.. tiummit shall have the <br />nsht to rch upon the utmplcteness and accurtc+ of such infonnatiun Clirnt <br />acknowledges that certain assumptions will tx made regarding existing conditions <br />that cannot hr verified +vitFwut destruction or damage u+ existing facilities. Tn the <br />fullest extent permitted by law. Client agars to waive all claims against. and to <br />hold harmless and indrmniti: Summit and its subconsultants, for damages to <br />undergramd improvements and utilities and for any costs assa:iated +vith <br />undisclosed existing conditions. <br />E) Invoices: Summit will render invoices every thim~ daps. Payment is due <br />upon presentation of im•oice and is past due thirt}• 130- days from invoice date. <br />Client agrees to pay a service chazse of one and one half percent 1152°.•'o) per <br />month. or the maximum rate allowed by law, on past due accounts. Payment of <br />invoices shall not be subject m any discounts, set-o1Ts. or backchazges by Client. <br />unless agreed to in writing by Summit. Client shall pay all costs. expenses. and <br />distributions, including collection agency fees and expenses. court costs and <br />asonable attomec~s' fees incurred by Summit, in the rveni collection or legal <br />rocesscs arc cmploprd to collect ouLStanding bills. <br />F1 Sales Tax: Client will pay any applicable sales tax whenever deemed to tx <br />due. Payment [amts art exclusiyc of sales tax. <br />.ARTICLE Il: StiMSttT'S RFSPO~StBtLtTIES <br />:~) Standard of Care: Summit shall perform the services called for by this <br />:~grcement with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the <br />same professions currenth• practicing under similar conditions. No other <br />warranty. expressed or implied. is made. Client acknowledges that increased <br />costs and changes may be required due to omission. ambiguities and <br />inconsistencies in the drawings and specifications. Client agrees to set aside a <br />contingency of at Irast 3°,0 of the Project constmction cost to pay fix these costs <br />and changes. Client futlher agrees it will make no claims against Summit for any. <br />such costs and changes covered by such contingency fund. <br />B) Compliance with Laws, Codes and Standards: Consistent with the <br />professional standard of care. Summit ++ill amply +aith laws. codes. and <br />standards applicable to the Project design as of the effective date of this <br />Agreement or the issuance of the construction plans and specifications. whichever <br />is later. <br />C) Cerfificadons: Summit shall sign, if requested by Client, a statement that to <br />the best of its knowledge, infomtation and belief, based in whole or in pan on <br />information provided hr others. the aecurac}• of which has not been verified. that <br />the Project has been completed in general conformance with the plate and <br />specifications. Summit shall not be required to sign any documents. no matter by <br />whom requestrd_ in which Summit is required to certify, guarantee or warrant the <br />existence of conditions the existence of which Summit has not or cannot ascertain. <br />D) Construction Phase Services: If conswaion phase services are rryuirrd in <br />the Scope of Srrviccs, the following terms shall apply: <br />11 Site Obsen•ation: tf site obxrvation visilc arc to be pn+vidrd b} Summit. <br />Summit shall +•isit the silt at intervals appropriate to the static of the construction. <br />or ac otherwise exprcssh~ agreed to in the Scope of Services, in order to ohseme <br />the progress and quality of the wort: completed by the contractor. Such <br />obsen•ation is not mrarn to br an exhaustive check or a detailed inspection of the <br />contractor's work but rather to allow Summit to become generally familiar with <br />the progress of the H'ork and to dctcrminc in general if the +cork is lxine <br />pcrlbrmed in a manner indiratins that. whin Culh completed. the work will he in <br />accordance with the Contract LA+cuments. Summit shall not be required to make <br />cominuous or exhaustive inspections ut check the quantitc and qualin• of the work <br />nor shall Summit lx responsible fix the.Cuntractor"s f.•tilurr to perform the H'urk in <br />accordance with the Contract IAkumrnts. <br />Z) Rejection of N'ork: Summit shall have the authority to reject anp work of the <br />runtraCtuh that ii not. m Summit'; pmfrssiunal Iudgmcru. in accordance ++ith the <br />Construtt«+n fh+cuments. Neither thin authorit} nor the atxxl faith iudsmrnt u+ reject <br />or not reject any such work shall subject Summit t++ am liabilirv or pause of action on <br />hrhah++I the contracurrs. subcontnctnrs or am other cupplirrs or p~rsuns prrformiog <br />poniuns of the work tiff the Pnijcct. <br />3) 1~'nrk tiitr tiafrh': Clicot agrcts that Summit ;hall not supra isr or direct. ur ha+r <br />am rcspomihilin li+r. control o+•rr nr charsr nl: the Crnurachu work ur the <br />constnrcion means. nteth++ds. trchniqurs. sequences or procedures. or Inc the work <br />site satct} precautions ur programs in connection with the 1A'ork. "These riehu :utd <br />rrspomibilrties are sole)} those of the part} or patties performing the actual <br />construction of the Project. Neither the professional acticitits of Summit. nor the <br />presence of Summit pcru+nncl and subconsultants at the anusruction site. shall relieve <br />the Contracti+n and any other entity of their obligations. duties and respcrosibilitirs <br />including. bm not limited to. construction means. methods. seyucnct. techniques or <br />pnxcdurrs neressan for performing. superimcnding or aardinatins all portions of <br />the lAOrk safely and rn accordance ++ith any health ur safety requirements of am' <br />resulau+r+ assn.}. The Client a_recs that the C.'lient. Summit and its suhconsultams <br />shall br indemnified by the Contractors and :hall hr ntadr addiu+nt:d m<urcds under <br />[he Contractors' general, umbrella and excess liability insurance policies. <br />J) Subminals and Shop Drawings: If the Scope of Sen•icrs includes the review of <br />Contractor submittals and shop drawings. then Summit will review such submittals <br />and shop drawings for the limited purpose of checking lix conformance +vith the <br />design concept cxpresxd and the infnnnation provided in the Construction <br />Documents. 'this review shall not include revic+v of tht accuracy or completeness of <br />details. such as quantities. dimensions. +veiglus or_auges. fabrication processes, <br />construction means or methods. coordination of the work with other trades or <br />construction safet}• precautions. all of which aze the responsibility of tht Contractors. <br />The rcvic++ shall he conducted with reasonable promptness while allmving sufficient <br />time in Summit's judgment to permit adequate revic+v. Review of a specific item <br />shall nut indicate that Summit has reviewed the entire assembly of which the item is a <br />component. Summit shall not be responsible for any deviations liom the Contract <br />Documents nut broaght to its attention in writing by the Contractor. Summi[ shall not <br />be require) to review partial submissions or those for +chich submissions of correlated <br />items have not hero received. <br />5) Requests for Clarification or Interpretation: Summit shall provide. with <br />reasonable promptness. written responses to requesu from Contractors fin <br />clarification and interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents. if <br />such requests for information. clarification or interpretation arc. in Summit's <br />professional opinion. fix information readily apparent from reasonable observation of <br />lield conditions or a rcvicw• of the Contract Documents. or rcacnnably inferable <br />therefrom. Summit shall be entitled to additional compensation at iLS regular billing <br />rates for iU time spent responding to such requests. <br />6) Record Documents: If required by the Scope of Services. upon rnmpletion of the <br />N'ork, Suntmil shall compile for and deliver to the Client a reproducible set of Record <br />Documents conforming to the marked-up prints. drawings and other data famished to <br />Summit by the Contractor. '17tis set of Record Documents will show significant <br />changes made Burins construction. Because these Record Drxuntrnts are based im <br />umerilird infomation provided by other panics that Summit rill assume to br <br />reliable. Summit cannot and does ncu warrant their accuracy. <br />E) Insurance: Summit shall maintain worker's compensation insurance required by <br />law. Stnnmit represents and warrants that it maintains general liability and property <br />damage insurance. Certificates for such policies shall be provided to Client upon <br />++ritten request. Client shall maintain at its own cost and expense. its own general <br />liability and property damage insurance. Client and Commit +vaivr all rights against <br />each other and Summit's suhconsultantc, agents and employers for damages caused <br />by any peril «t the eaten) covered 6y the propem• insurance maintained by Client. <br />except to the extent such proceeds arc held he Client as trustee. 'this waiver of <br />subrogation shall he effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity <br />would other+ise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or otherwise. did nut pay <br />the insurance premium directly or indirectly. and whether ur not the person or entity <br />had an insurable interest in the pmperh dama_srd. <br />.article 111: General Legal Provisions <br />A)' Ownership of Documents: Urawinsc. specifications. anJ all other documents <br />prepared by Summit or its suhu+nsuhants. includin_ those in electronic Icxm <br />(collrctivel}' "Design Documents') are instnrmcnts of sea ice Summit shall retain all <br />common law: statuton and other reserved rights. includin_ a+pyri!±ht th+~rcto. The <br />Drsi~n Dircumrnts. including those in electronic fi+nn are furnished Cor use sulrh <br />with respect to this Agreement. Client is permitted to rrtam copies of the Design <br />L:/Geotechnical/Contracts/Orange County -Construction Materials Testing, Central Orange Srniui• Centrr.dcu (2 of 3) <br />