Orange County NC Website
. , l~ • . <br />Documents. including the»r in electronic farm. for information and rrlerence in <br />connection with the Pruiect. Client shall not use the Design Documents. indudim, <br />those in electronic fixm famished by Summit or itc subronsul[anu un other <br />projects. fix additions to this Project. or for the completion of this Project by <br />otbem_ without the express ++ritten consent al'Summit. .Am reuse without written <br />ce+nsent shall he at Cheers risk and titll Icgal responsihility. Client a_rzes to hold <br />hamtic~ss and mdemmti Summit and it> suhcnnultants from any and all claims. <br />suns. demands. damage<. hahilitics. and .<>`t.. mcludin__ rea,unahle anamc} feel <br />arisin_ liom uch muse. <br />i31 Rrtentivn of Doxuments: Summit ++ill retain. pursuant w iLi usual document <br />rlenuon policy. records rcl:wing to the U ark lix a pencxi ol• three t 1 +ears <br />1'ollowm~ contpldion of the t6urk I)urin_ this period. recxds will Ex made <br />:rvailablr u, the Client at summits nlliccs~during nomtal business hours upon <br />,even 1-r da+'s nutic:r. <br />C) Asbntos and Hazardous ytatrrials; I ~nlrss othrnvix spccificalh pro+idrd <br />in the Scapr of Sen ices. Summit and its sul+consultants shall ha+e nu <br />responsihilny for the Jiscovrn. presence. handling. removal. cx dispnsat <,f <br />ashes«K or ha~ardcws <x toxic materials. <br />D) Terminative and Cuspension: This Agreement ma\ he Iertttinated M Tither <br />party upon sr+•en t7- days written notice in the event of substantial lailure by the <br />tuber pang to perfnmt in accordance with the terms hereof. Such termination <br />shall not he cl7cctice if the suhswmial (allure is remedied befixr rxpiratii,n of the <br />:even i71 days Client's I:tilurc to pay m+aiccs whhin [him 13t?! days shall he <br />deemed a substanual 1'ailurr u, prrti~mt In such even[. Summit may tetntinate <br />this Agreement or immediately suspend the performance of services until such <br />failure has bete Lured. The Cliem may terminate this .4sreemem for ds <br />com~rnienc~ u(xm founccn t t a I days written notice. In the event of a tcmtination <br />for com~enience. Client will pay Summit li?r services performed to the termination <br />effective date plus rcasc+nable ternination expenses within ten (10) calendaz days <br />of receipt of a final im•oice. <br />In the event flit project or any phase of it is delayed for reasons beyond Summits <br />control. unbilled work will he invoiced at the standard hourly rates fix the actual <br />number of hours expended. Completed phases wilt he billed at fees quoted <br />herein. <br />E) Disputes: In an zRort to resolve any conFlicts that arise during the design or <br />construction of the Project or after atmpletion of the Project all claims. disputes. <br />or other manors in question beM•ecn the parties to this Agreement that azisc out of <br />or relate to this Agreement or the breach thereof shall be submitted to nonbinding <br />mediation before a neutral third-pam• mediator acceptable to both parties. Such <br />mediation shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of any Icgal action <br />arising out of this Agreement except those legal proceedings related to Client's <br />failure to pay. <br />Thr mediation shall be conducted in accordance with the Construetiem <br />Industn Mediation Rules of the .American Afiitration Association cutTCtttly in <br />c(Teci unless the parties agree otherwise. The• cost of the mediator shall be home <br />equally by the parties. A demand for mediation shall he made within a reasonable <br />time after the claim. dispute or other matter has arisen. In no event shall such <br />demand hr made after the date applicable statutes of limitation or repose would <br />bar a legal or zquiWhle active based nn such claim, dispute or other matter. <br />In the event of litigation relating to [he sufficiency or adequacp of <br />performance of services called for by this Agreement. should Summit obtain a <br />judgment dismissing Clients action or claim or other resolution wherein Swnmit <br />is not required tv ntakr enmpensatinn to Client in excess of its final ollCr made to <br />Client in the mediation, Swtnnit shall be entitled to recover al) cosu incurreJ in <br />the dei'ense of the claim including staff time. court costs expert witness fees, and <br />reasonable attorneys' fees. and other claim related expenses. <br />F) Choice of L,aw/~'rnue: this Attreemcnt shall be go+•emcd by the la++s of the state <br />in which the Summit ofrce identified belo+v is located. aithvut regard to its law of <br />conflict of laws. Am legal action or proceeding shall be vrnucd in the State or I'~ederal <br />Coup nearest the municipality in which Summit's ollice is located. <br />G1 Statute of Limitations/Repose: Causes of actii,n pertaining k7 this A~rte <br />shall br deemed to hace accrued anJ the applicable datutts of limitation and r~ <br />.hall commence u, run at the r:xlicr of either the date of Substantial Complrtiun o <br />Protect or the date Summit'.:rnic~: are ~uhstanti:tll+ tr,mplrtr. <br />It) Assi^ns: Neither the Client nor ~ummu may delegate. as5im+. or transfer his <br />dwirs or interest m this \~_rxmrnt without consent c,f the other parts. e+crpt titunmit <br />may in its discretion utitiie yualdicd suhconsuhants in the prrti7rmancr of the ticnpc <br />of Sen tam. <br />It Force ~lajeure: \rnhcr pam to Chu :\!~reemcn[ shall f+c liable to the other hx <br />dda+s in perfcxmins flu uhlisations called lix M This :\_rccment ur Ihr diner and <br />indirect costs rcsultins from such delays. that arc caused by labor strik~ti. riots. war. <br />acts of government authorities. extraordinan weather ~undiuuns ur ether natural <br />catastrophe. or anc other cause beyond the reasonable control ur contemplation of <br />either party. <br />J) \n Third-Party Benrfieiaries: Nothing in this Agreement shall create a <br />antracwal rela[icinship with or give an.• right ur benefit to any third pam. <br />1~) Severability, Reformation and Sunical: If am' provision in this Agreement is <br />held invalid. illegal. or uncnfixceahle. Ihr enlurccabiliq o(the rcmainin~ procisions <br />;hall nut hr impaired thrrcM. The invalid. illr~al or unenlnrccahlr pri,+ision shall hr <br />replaced by a mutually a.~rptahlr provision. whr~h. hems +al+d. Icgal and <br />enforceable, comes closest to the parties' intention underlying the in+•ahd. illegal or <br />unenforceable provision. Limitations of liability, indemnities. and other express <br />representations shall survive tcrtnination of [his Agreement for any cause. <br />L) Risk Allocation/[.imitation of L,iabilih•_ Client and Summit have discussed the <br />risks. rewards_ and the benefit of the project and Summit"s total fee fix services. The <br />risks have been atlucatrd such that Utc Client agrees that to the fullest extent permitted <br />he la+v. Summits «xal liabilih• to Client and construction amtracton and <br />subcontractors for any and all injuries. claims, losses. ecpenses, damages or claims <br />expenses arising out of this Agreement )'Tom am cause or causes, is limited te? and <br />shall oat exceed Summits fee or Y250,1)00 +rhichever is smaller. Such causes include <br />but. are nut limited to desigl professionals negligence. negligent misrrpre cntation. <br />errors. emissions. strict liability and breach of contract. Higher limits of liability are <br />available 1'or a negotiated fez. <br />tf) Indemnifieafion: To the fullest extent permitted by law. Client agrees to <br />indtmnify and hold harmless Summit, its officers. directors. employees. agent <br />subconsultants from all claims. damages, injuries. liabilities, cetsts and ex <br />mcludin, reasonable a[tomeys fees arising from ur claimed to arise from the <br />omissions_ negligence. fault. breach of contract, breach of w•arramy. or strict liability <br />ol'Client or its employees. agents. contractors and subcontractors. <br />11 Consequential Damages: Noh+ithstanding any other provision of this Agreement <br />and to the fullest extent permitted by lea. neither Client nor Summit shall be liable for <br />any cnnsequcntial damages incurred due to the fault of dte other party regardless of <br />the nature of the fault or whether it was commilled by Client, Summit their <br />employees. agents. suhconsullants or subcontractors. Consequential damages include. <br />but are nut limited to, loss of use and loss of profit. <br />O) Complete Agreemene this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement. hehveen <br />the panics hereto and supersedes all previous understandings and agreements with <br />n~speet to the Project or am• of the provisions hereof. No statement.. promise. <br />condition. understanding. induccmrnt_ or representation. Ural ur written. expressed or <br />implied. which is not contained h~Kein shall be binding ur valid and dos Agrerntent <br />shall not be changed, modified or altered in any manner except by an instruntcnt in <br />writing executed by the partits hereto. <br />By signing this Agreement, you are consenting to the Terms and Conditions set forth 6ertin. Please h:[ain a copy for yourself and ritum a sinned original to Summit. <br />Client Orange County Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC <br />Address iU0(1 Corporate Drive, Suite 101 <br />City State Hills~ZOrou~h NC_N~78 <br />ISignaturc) (S r_tta[urel <br />Don Dewey, PE •- <br />iPrint 'siamr) (Print) <br />Date Date .~uaust 2. ?007 <br />L:/Grntechnical/Contracts/0rangr County -Construction Materials Testing. Central Orange Senior Center.duc (3 of 3~ <br />