Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT "D" <br />ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE OPERATIONS CENTER <br />Before awarding a contract, the owner may require the apparent low bidder to qualify himself to be a re- <br />sponsible bidder by furnishing any or all of the following data: <br />a. The latest financial statement showing assets and liabilities of the company or other information satis- <br />factory to the owner. <br />b. A listing of completed projects of similar size. <br />c. Permanent name and address of place of business. <br />d. The number of regulaf employees of the organization and length of time the organization has been in <br />business under present name. <br />e. The name and home office address of the surety proposed and the name and address of the responsible <br />local claim agent. <br />f. The names of members of the firms who hold appropriate trade licenses, together with license num- <br />bers. <br />Failure or refusal to furnish any of the above information, if requested, shall constitute a basis for disquali- <br />fication of any bidder. <br />In determining the lowest responsible, responsive bidder, the owner shall take into consideration the bid- <br />der's compliance with the requirements of G.S. 143-128.2(c), the past performance of the bidder on con- <br />struilion contracts with particular concern given to completion times, quality of work, cooperation with <br />other contractors, and cooperation,with the•designer and owner. Failure of the low bidder to furnish affida- <br />vit and/or documentation as required by G.S. 143-1282(c) may constitute a basis for disqualification of the <br />bid. <br />Should the owner adjudge that the apparent low bidder is not the lowest responsible, responsive bidder by <br />virtue of the above information, said apparent low bidder will be so notified and his bid security shall be <br />returned to him. <br />8. PERFORMANCE BOND <br />The successful bidder, upon award of contract, shall famish a performance bond in an amount equal to 100 <br />percent of the contract price. See Article 35, General Conditions. <br />9. PAYMENT BOND <br />The successful bidder, upon award of contract, shall furnish a payment bond in an amount equal to 100 <br />percent of.the contrail price. See Article 35, General Conditions. , <br /><< <br />~::. <br />Tf'1 RTTITIF.R C <br />(1(1(1(17 <br />