Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT "D" <br />ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE OPERATIONS CENTER <br />Each proposal shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or a certified check drawn on-some bank or trust <br />company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or a bid bond in an amount equal to not <br />less than five percent (5%) of the proposal, said deposit to be retained by the owner as liquidated damages <br />in event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the contrail within ten (10) dgys after the award or to <br />give satisfactory surety as required by law (G.S. 143-129). <br />Bid bond shall be conditioned that the surety will, upon demand, forthwith make payment to the obligee <br />upon said bond if the bidder fails to execute the contract. The owner may retain bid securities of any bid- <br />der(s) who may have a reasonable chance of award of contract for the full duration of time stated in the <br />Notice to Bidders. Other bid securities may be released sooner, at the discretion of the owner. All bid se- <br />curities (cash or certified checks) shall be returned to the bidders promptly after award of contracts, and no <br />later then seven (~ days after expiration of the holding period stated in the Notice to Bidders. Standard <br />Form of Bid Bond is included in these specifications (Section 304). <br />S. RECEIPT OF BIDS <br />Bids shall be received in strict accordance with requirements of the General Statutes of North Carolina. <br />Bid security shall be required as prescribed by statute. Prior to opening of any bids on the project, the bid- <br />derwcvill be permitted to change or withdraw his bid. Guidelines for opening of public construction bids aze <br />available from the North Carolina State Construction Office. <br />6. OPENING OF BIDS <br />Upon opening, all bids shall be read aloud. Once any bid is opened, there shall not be any withdrawal of <br />bids by any bidder and no bids may be returned by the designer to any bidder. After the bid opening, a <br />bidder may request that his bid be withdrawn from consideration without forfeiture of his bid security in • <br />accordance with the provisions of the North Carolina General Statute 143-129.1. After the opening of bids, <br />no bid may be withdrawn, except under the provisions of General Statute 143-129.1, for a period of thirty <br />days unless otherwise specified. Should the successful bidder default and fail to execute a contract, the <br />contract may be awarded to the next lowest and responsible bidder. The owner reserves the unqualified <br />right to reject arty and all bids. Reasons for rejection may include, but shall not be limited to, the follow- <br />ing: <br />a. If the Form of Proposal famished to the bidder is not used or is altered. <br />b. If the bidder fails to insert a price for all bid items, alternate and unit prices requested. <br />c. If the bidder adds any provisions reserving the right to accept or reject any awazd. <br />d. If there are unauthorized additions or conditional bids, or irregularities of any kind which tend to <br />make the proposal incomplete, indefinite or ambiguous as to its meaning. <br />e. If the bidder fails to complete the proposal form where information is requested so the bid may be <br />properly evaluated by the owner. <br />f. If the unit prices contained in the bid schedule are unacceptable to the owner. <br />g. If the bidder fails to comply with other instructions stated herein. <br />7. BID EVALUATION <br />The award of the contract will be made to the lowest responsible bidder as soon as practical. The <br />may award on the basis of the base bid and any alternates the owner chooses. <br />TT~[CTRT i! TTCINC T() RTiITIT=RC <br />