Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT "D" <br />ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE OPERATIONS CENTER <br />INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS <br />For a proposal to be considered it must be in accordance with the following instructions: <br />1. PROPOSALS <br />Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the Form of Proposa[ provided therefor, and all blank <br />spaces for bids, alternates, and unit prices applicable to bidder's work shall be properly filled in. When ro- <br />quested alternates aze not bid, the proposal may be considered incomplete. The bidder agrees that bid on <br />Form of Proposal detached from specifications will be considered and will have the same force and effect <br />as if attached thereto. Photocopied or faxed proposals will not be considered. Numbers shall be stated both <br />in writing and in figures for the base bids and alternates. <br />Any modifications to the Form of Proposal (including alternates and/or unit prices) will disqualify the bid <br />and may cause the bid to be rejected. <br />The bidder shall fill in the Form of Proposal as follows: <br />~r <br />a. If the documents are executed by a sole owner, that fact shall be evidenced by the word "Owner" ap- <br />pearing after the name of the person executing them. <br />b. If the documents are executed by a partnership, that fact shall be evidenced by the word "Co-partner" <br />appearing after the name of the partner executing them. <br />• <br />c. If the documents are executed on .the part of a corporation, they shall be executed by either the presi- , <br />dent or the vice president and attested by the secretary or assistant secretary in either case, and the title <br />of the office of such persons shall appear after their signatures. The seal of the corporation shall be <br />impressed on each signature page of the documents. <br />d. If the proposal is made by a joint venture, it shall be executed by each member of the joint venture in <br />the above form for sole owner, partnership or corporation, whichever form is applicable. <br />e. All signatures shall be properly witnessed. <br />f. If the contractor's license of a bidder is held by a person other than an owner, partner or officer of a. <br />firm, then the licensee shall also sign and be a party to the proposal The title "Licensee" shall appear <br />under his/her signature. <br />Proposals shall be addressed as indicated in the Advertisement for Bids and shall be delivered, enclosed in <br />an opaque sealed envelope, mazked "Proposal" and bearing the title of the work, name of the bidder, and <br />the contractor's license number of the bidder. Bidders shall clearly mark on the outside of the bid envelope <br />which contract(s) they are bidding. <br />Bidder shall identify on the bid, the minority businesses that will be utilized on the project with corre- <br />sponding total dollar value of the bid and affidavit listing good faith efforts or an affidavit indicating work. <br />under contract will be self-performed; as required by G.S. 143-l28.2(c) and G.S. 143-1282(f): Failure to <br />comply with these requirements is grounds for rejection of the bid. <br />For projects bid in the single-prime alternative, the names and license numbers of major subcontractors <br />shall be listed on the proposal form. <br />TNCTRT Tf''TTl1NC Tfl RTilT1F.R C <br />• <br />