Orange County NC Website
Either party may terminate this License Agreement at any time, without regard to <br />payment periods by giving written notice to the other specifying the date of termination. County <br />and Market shall use their best efforts to provide the other party a minimum of thirty (30) days <br />prior written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement. <br />SECTION FIVE <br />MARKET CONTACT <br />Market hereby provides County with the contact information of two (2) individuals that <br />County may contact during the hours in which the farmers market is open to address any and all <br />immediate issues that may arise in regard to this License Agreement. <br />Name Telephone Number Email Address <br />Name Telephone Number Em it Address <br />SECTION SIX <br />CONDITION OF PUBLIC MARKET HOUSE & COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGE <br />Market shall clear the Public Market House (including the restrooms) of all trash and <br />debris at the end of each day in which the farmers market operates throughout the term of this <br />License Agreement. <br />Market agrees that it shall make all reasonable repairs to the Public Market House for <br />damages directly attributed to its use of the Public Market House by Market or by and vendor at <br />the Market. <br />SECTION SEVEN <br />INSURANCE <br />Market shall obtain, at its sole expense, general liability insurance insuring against any <br />and all losses at the market house during the Market's use thereof. This policy shall provide <br />coverage in the amount of no less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). Insurance policies <br />shall be endorsed (1) to show Orange County as additional insured, as their interests may appear <br />and (2) to amend cancellation notice to 30 days, pursuant to North Carolina law. Certificates of <br />insurance shall be signed by a licensed North Carolina agent and be amended to show "thirty <br />(30) days' notice of change or cancellation will be given to the Orange County Risk Manager by <br />certified mail." <br />SECTION EIGHT <br />RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES <br />