Orange County NC Website
10~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, it was <br />moved and adopted that the Board approve the Quarterly Amendment to the School <br />Current Expense Budget. <br />The Chairman referred to Item 4~2 on the Agenda: Management Audit. Mrs. <br />Garrett stated that she had talked with Auditor John ICee and he had informed her <br />that the Board should have the audit as soon as it was available, however, there <br />would be a management letter coming to the Board shortly. <br />Commissioner Whitted stated that the Audit Committee had received a copy of <br />the draft audit, however, it was not final. <br />Commissioner Pinney questioned the Departments under the direct control of the <br />Board. He stated that he felt there we'ze not enough people involved to warrant a <br />management study. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that she disagreed with Mr. Pinney's list, that there <br />were many Aepartments which required the responsibility and control of the Board. <br />Commissioner Whitted spoke of the personnel policy and procedures presented <br />in the proposals. That these were for County employees regardless of how much con- <br />trol the Board had. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson suggested that the Board wait until they received the <br />management letter and the audit. That there were a number of areas which the Board <br />needed to discuss and could receive more light from these documents. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the $oard adjourn. <br />Commissioner Whitted stated that he concurred with Commissioner Gustaveson's <br />remarks that the Board wait. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to an efficiency study which Winston-5alem had con- <br />ducted. She stated that she felt same kind of study and policy direction would <br />cause the County to be more efficient. <br />The $oard agreed to wait until the management letter had been received. <br />Mra. Garrett was called to the telephone at this point in the meeting. <br />The Vice Chairman, Commissioner Whitted, continued to preside. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson inquired of Mr. Gattis about the new telephone system. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that Chapel HI11 numbers have changed, that they are now on a <br />rotary switch and after 5:00 p.m. all three lines are connected into the Sheriff's <br />Department. It is hoped that within the next few days, a direct line into the _ <br />Sheriff's Department will go into effect. <br />The meeting was adjourned. `_ ~0. ~. <br />Flora R. Garrett, Chairman <br />Agatha Johnson, Acting Clerk <br />