Orange County NC Website
~©o <br />He informed the Board that consumers are individuals who have no <br />direct or indirect connection with the Health care industry. Dr. <br />Cramartie explained that it was felt that County Commissioners should <br />be responsible for selecting the members from their counties, although <br />this proposal was never formally adopted, he was delighted that the <br />Orange County Board had chosen to do so. <br />Chairman Garrett asked Dr. Cromartie to discuss the difference <br />between the Health Planning Council and the Health Systems Agency. <br />He stated that the Health Systems Agency will assume the respon- <br />sibility which the Health Planning Council now has, which is to expand <br />- the Health Planning process and to determine the need in Health <br />facilities. Health Systems Agency will provide more in the way of <br />financial resources to carry out the activities, which involves deve- <br />loping detailed plans for making health services available in the area <br />and a plan to implement this plan. <br />Dr. Dennis Barry,'General Director of North Carolina Memorial <br />Hospital, spoke of other characteristics the new law required and <br />the potentials the law provided. He stated that this law gave a <br />more direct relation with HEw and would provide money for pilot pro- <br />jests in health care. <br />Dr. Harry Phillips, of the School of Public Health, stated that <br />this was a complex and detailed bit of legislation. The law estab- <br />lishes 10 priorities for health care. He spoke of a Coordinating <br />Council which would devise a State plan. <br />Mrs. Garrett stated that it was the opinion of the Conveners <br />that two members of the Board come from the University and Hospital <br />and these two would qualify as providers. <br />She presented the name of Betty Campton, a practicing nurse <br />and a convener; and Norman Gustaveson, an elected official and a <br />member of the Health Planning Council. <br />Dr. Cromartie reminded the group that counties could be repre- <br />sented more fully through the creation of sub-area councils for <br />each council. <br />Norman ~^7alker recommended to the group the name of Anthony <br />5eaber, a medical researcher at Duke. He would be a provider. <br />Ms. Harriet Baer, from the School of Public Health, UNC, <br />Stated that she was speaking in behalf of Dr. Greenberg, Dean <br />of the School of Public Health and she would like to propose <br />the name of Dr. Harry Phillips as a provider. <br />Ms. Vicky Rutter, from the UNC School of Nursing, seconded <br />the nomination of Betty Compton and recommended the name of <br />Frances Hargraves, as a consumer. <br />The Chairman stated that the names of Lula Cotton and James <br />Boyd had been submitted and that they would be consumers. <br />Commissioner Pinney moved that the Berard accept the name <br />of Norman Gustaveson as the elected official. <br />Commissioner Whitted seconded this motion. <br />All members voted aye. <br />_ The Chairman declared that Commissioner Gustaveson was the <br />elected official from Drange County to the Health System Board. <br />Kathy Parker inquired about the combined representation of <br />Memorial Hospital and the Medical School since they are now separate. <br />Dr. Barry stated that since only 5 members are tc be appointed <br />from Orange County that this should not be an issue. <br />