<br />~EG!~',i~~,'~"~~ at a slake, sc~a sfa~e be~~y 're ~',iar:keasf carver at ~~cr~e~ ~~e~ge~~o!o'~ ~~-5 ~C~4«1 c,~
<br />a~SC ih° CC~I~O! CG~~^e( rE~ r~ ~~/j~~, !L~~.~!'iy i~;erC~ ~a~!~' L~~t7E~,~~~ Y~~Si ~7~.~~ fC a!i !!Ci S!aKe,
<br />the ~~~~~flhWeS~ CDt'ie~ of !j10!I ,~C~~eE, i.hw~,re ca~~^r1'~na ~G~~h ~'li'~~F~,~l ~'rESi ~~F.1~ iD a~ ~~Cfi Slake,
<br />5'.4Ke be!'iG Gr -he ^vr:~'ef~h (iqr--pl-WGj~ pr rl;e~NS r(L~,, GOr,ri,J'~n~ i0 '.re CS~~i°r G` [she (~Qrl-G1-'NGy
<br />SOUi~i ~~i~b~~1~ r~e5t 33,02' tU 0 ~iU!~i'i irOfi G ",. ~~ ~~~~ ~~n Y~w5l' ~t~~,~J~ .i.,~ fh° ~« f ry'"~OS
<br />e ,tivrf 8~~ ~ ~~ ~iJ~ ~ ~ cer.er a~ r,l~~
<br />~~~, iU 0 ~Ul~it, :hence No~~~ vJ~3~1iG~ 0051 3~,~'~~ iU ipe f,'U'i!ietn r!y~i'-U.'-wOj+ 0` r~,~oi~15 ,~'~~ i0 G
<br />s-.oke, ;hence ~h'ort~ O6'03'21~ ~o5t ~9~.96' +o a opit~~, fherce ~'Vp~,h Di~1'3b~ pest ~~2,~8' to a yoke,
<br />Sold yoke being ~,he ,h'orf~eo5t cover c• Chorie5 & ~uory 8efh ke!gevo,o, (hence ~Vo~,h ui'U~'32~ EoSt
<br />'OD.7~' ~p o pin[, t~henee Norih 88'~3'Q6" EoSt ?(1,89' to the ppini anr~ p!pce of B~GI~h'h'lNG.
<br />In accordance with the Ordinance, the Board hereby makes the following findings as to
<br />the appropriateness of the Application:
<br />1. That the Application is complete in accordance with the submittal requirements
<br />detailed within Article Twenty (20) of the Ordinance, specifically Section 20.3.2;
<br />2. That per Section 20.3.2 (c) of the Zoning Ordinance, staff and the property owner
<br />allege a mapping error making the Zoning Atlas Petition reasonable necessary in
<br />promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare.
<br />Specifically, the existing non-residential zoning designation is not located in
<br />accordance with the existing non-residential operation that was in existence in
<br />1994. The approval of the petition will correct for this error and properly reflect
<br />the exact location of the non-residential zoning designation on the property.
<br />3. That per Section 20.3.2 (e) of the Zoning Ordinance, the approval of the Zoning
<br />Atlas Petition would carry out the intent of the Orange County Comprehensive
<br />Plan.
<br />Specifically, the approval of the petition would properly designate an EC-5 zoning
<br />designation on a parcel of property where there is an existing non-residential
<br />land use in operation.
<br />This Ordinance shall become effective upon approval.
<br />Adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this day of
<br />2009.
<br />Ayes:
<br />