<br />This information collection is authorized by Section 51 I of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act, which added a new section SA to the U.S. Housing Act
<br />of 1937, as amended, which introduced 5-Year and Annual PHA Plans. The 5-Year and Annual PHA plans provide a ready source for interested parties to locate basic
<br />PHA policies, rules, and requirements concerning the PHA's operations, programs, and services, and informs HUD, families served by the PHA, and members of the
<br />public of the PHA's mission and strategies for serving the needs oflow-income and very low-income families. This form is to be used by all PHA Types for submission
<br />of the 5-Year and Annual Plans to HUD. Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 12.68 hours per response, including the time for
<br />reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. HUD
<br />may not collect this information, and respondents are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
<br />Privacy Act Notice. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to solicit the information requested in this form by virtue of Title
<br />12, U.S. Code, Section 1701 et seq., and regulations promulgated thereunder at Title ] 2, Code of Federal Regulations. Responses to the collection of information are
<br />required to obtain a benefit or to retain a benefit. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality
<br />Instructions form HUD-50075
<br />Applicability. This form is to be used by all Public Housing Agencies
<br />(PHAs) with Fiscal Year beginning April 1, 2008 for the submission of their
<br />5-Year and Annual Plan in accordance with 24 CFR Part 903. The previous
<br />version may be used only through April 30, 2008.
<br />1.0 PHA Information
<br />Include the full PHA name, PHA code, PHA type, and PHA Fiscal Year
<br />Beginning (MM/YYYY).
<br />2.0 Inventory
<br />Under each program, enter the number of Annual Contributions Contract
<br />(ACC) Public Housing (PH) and Section 8 units (HCV).
<br />3.0 Submission Type
<br />Indicate whether this submission is for an Annual and Five Year Plan, Annual
<br />Plan only, or 5-Year Plan only.
<br />4.0 PHA Consortia
<br />Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete the table.
<br />5.0 Five-Year Plan
<br />Identify the PHA's Mission, Goals and/or Objectives (24 CFR 903.6).
<br />Complete only at 5-Year update.
<br />5.1 Mission. A statement of the mission of the public housing agency
<br />for serving the needs of low-income, very low-income, and extremely
<br />low-income families in the jurisdiction of the PHA during the years
<br />covered under the plan.
<br />5.2 Goals and Objectives. Identify quantifiable goals and objectives
<br />that will enable the PHA to serve the needs of low income, very low-
<br />income, and extremely low-income families.
<br />6.0 PHA Plan Update. In addition to the items captured in the Plan
<br />template, PHAs must have the elements listed below readily available to
<br />the public. Additionally, a PHA must:
<br />(a) Identify specifically which plan elements have been revised
<br />since the PHA's prior plan submission.
<br />(b) Identify where the 5-Year and Annual Plan may be obtained by
<br />the public. At a minimum, PHAs must post PHA Plans,
<br />including updates, at each Asset Management Project (AMP)
<br />and main office or central off ice of the PHA. PHAs are
<br />strongly encouraged to post complete PHA Plans on its official
<br />website. PHAs are also encouraged to provide each resident
<br />council a copy of its 5-Year and Annual Plan.
<br />PHA Plan Elements. (24 CFR 903.7)
<br />1. Eligibility, Selection and Admissions Policies, including
<br />Deconcentration and Wait List Procedures. Describe
<br />the PHA's policies that govern resident or tenant
<br />eligibility, selection and admission including admission
<br />preferences for both public housing and HCV and unit
<br />assignment policies for public housing; and procedures for
<br />maintaining waiting lists for admission to public housing
<br />and address any site-based waiting lists.
<br />Financial Resources. A statement of financial resources,
<br />including a listing by general categories, of the PHA's
<br />anticipated resources, such as PHA Operating, Capital and
<br />other anticipated Federal resources available to the PHA,
<br />as well as tenant rents and other income available to
<br />support public housing or tenant-based assistance. The
<br />statement also should include the non-Federal sources of
<br />funds supporting each Federal program, and state the
<br />planned use for the resources.
<br />3. Rent Determination. A statement of the policies of the
<br />PHA goveming rents charged for public housing and HCV
<br />dwelling units.
<br />4. Operation and Management. A statement of the rules,
<br />standards, and policies of the PHA goveming maintenance
<br />management of housing owned, assisted, or operated by
<br />the public housing agency (which shall include measures
<br />necessary for the prevention or eradication of pest
<br />infestation, including cockroaches), and management of
<br />the PHA and programs of the PHA.
<br />5. Grievance Procedures. A description of the grievance
<br />and informal hearing and review procedures that the PHA
<br />makes available to its residents and applicants:
<br />6. Designated Housing for Elderly and Disabled Families.
<br />With respect to public housing projects owned, assisted, or
<br />operated by the PHA, describe any projects (or portions
<br />thereof), in the upcoming fiscal year, that the PHA has
<br />designated or will apply for designation for occupancy by
<br />elderly and disabled families. The description shall
<br />include the following information: 1) development name
<br />and number, 2) designation type; 3) application status; 4)
<br />date the designation was approved, submitted, or planned
<br />for submission, and; 5) the number of units affected.
<br />Community Service and Self-Sufficiency. A description
<br />o£ (1) Any programs relating to services and amenities
<br />provided or offered to assisted families; (2) Any policies
<br />or programs of the PHA for the enhancement of the
<br />economic and social self-sufficiency of assisted families,
<br />including programs under Section 3 and FSS; (3) How the
<br />PHA will comply with the requirements of community
<br />service and treatment of income changes resulting from
<br />welfare program requirements. (Note: applies to only
<br />public housing).
<br />Safety and Crime Prevention. For public housing only,
<br />describe the PHA's plan for safety and crime prevention to
<br />ensure the safety of the public housing residents. The
<br />statement must include: (i) A description of the need for
<br />measures to ensure the safety of public housing residents;
<br />(ii) A description of any crime prevention activities
<br />conducted or to be conducted by the PHA; and (iii) A
<br />description of the coordination between the PHA and the
<br />appropriate police precincts for carrying out crime
<br />prevention measures and activities.
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