Orange County NC Website
<br />WHEREAS, the governing board of the County has agreed to participate in certain costs and to <br />assume certain responsibilities in the manner and to the extent as hereinafter set out; and, <br />WHEREAS, this Agreement is made under dte authority granted to the Department by the North <br />Carolina General Assembly induding, but not limited to, the folbwing legislation: General Statutes of <br />North Carolina (NCGS) Section 136-66.1, Section 136-71.6, Section 160A-296 and 297, Section 13fi- <br />18, Section 136-41.3 and Secfion 20-189, to participate in the planning and construction of the Project <br />approved by the Board of 'Transportation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto shall execute this Agreement within ninety (90) days of <br />receipt of this Agreement. In the event the County fails to execute said Agreement within ninety (90) <br />days of receipt, the County shall be evaluated by the Department to determine whether forfeiture of <br />funds is warranted. <br />This Agreement states the promises and undertakings of each party as herein provided, and the <br />parties do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follows: <br />1. GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />AGREEMENT MODIFiCAT10NS <br />Any modification to this Agreement will be agreed upon in writing by ail parties prior to being <br />implemented. <br />Any increases to the funding amount will be agreed upon by all parties by means of a <br />Supplemental Agreement. <br />SPONSOR TO PERFORM ALL WORK <br />The County shall be responsible for administering elf work performed and for certifying to the <br />Department that aEl terms set forth in this Agreemen# are met and adhered to by the County <br />andlor its contractors and agents. The Department will provide technical oversight to guide the <br />County. The Department must approve any assignment or transfer of the responsibilities of the <br />County set forth in this Agreement to other parties or entities. <br />Agreement ID # 149 2 <br />