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the Nazi Holocaust, an estimated 5.5 million "enemies of the German State" were murdered <br />under equally inhumane circumstances -people known or suspected of being gay/lesbian; <br />leftists; Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, and other non-Aryans. In recognition of the atrocities <br />committed by Nazi Germany, April 21, 2009 was designated as Holocaust Remembrance Day. <br />Since the Armenian Genocide began the modern history of ethnic cleansing, an alarming <br />number of genocides have taken place around the world. Below is a brief list of examples: <br />- Stalin's Forced famine: 1932 -1933 - 7,000,000 Ukrainian deaths <br />- Rape of Nanking: 1937 - 1938 - 300,000 Chinese deaths and more than 20,000 rapes <br />- Nazi Holocaust: 1938 - 1945 - 6,000,000 Jewish deaths and 5.5 million other hate- <br />related deaths <br />- Pol Pot Cambodia: 1975-1979 - 1.7 million deaths <br />- Rwanda: 1994 - 800,000 Tutsis deaths <br />- Bosnia-Herzegovina: 1992-1995 - 200,000 Muslim deaths <br />- Darfur, Somalia: 2003-present - 200,000+ deaths <br />In recognition and remembrance of all people who have perished to further agendas of hate <br />and. intolerance, the Office of Human Rights and Relations presents to the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners a Resolution to Foster Genocide Remembrance to encourage Orange <br />County residents to reflect upon all acts of genocide and intolerance. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends the Board approve the proposed reolution <br />and authorize the Chair to sign it. <br />