Agenda 05-14-2009 - Report
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-14-2009
Agenda 05-14-2009 - Report
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Last modified
4/23/2013 11:14:33 AM
Creation date
5/18/2009 11:32:37 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090514
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May-13. 2009 3:44PM ORANGE COUNTY SOLID WASTE <br />No. 2247 - P. 3 <br />• New developments in the area; should pay their own way for sewer for example <br />• Concern that development will push out folks from the historic area and also <br />lower income, folks <br />• Consider pro's and con's of all recommendations <br />• Quality of life needs to recognize issue of fairness; fairness has costs <br />• Septic tanks have disturbed by nearby construction and development <br />June 11.2007 Meeting <br />The June .11 meeting was attended by a total of 12 participants. Staff had previously met <br />with two Rogers Road neighbors who developed a draft "Historic Rogers Road <br />Community" boundary recommendation for the Task Force to consider. Staff answered <br />questions regarding the proposed Transfer Station and the issue of relocating the Solid <br />Waste Convenience Center to adjacent to the existing Hazardous Household Waste <br />facility on the south side of Eubanks Road. Further discussion were held regarding <br />defining the final boundaries of the historic area, perhaps including Billabong Lane, Ms. <br />Nunn, Mr. and Ms. Street, etc. <br />Commissioner Carey indicated an interest in obtaining a broader.input'through a public <br />forum. Another'participant suggested that the community needed to meet among <br />themselves first to discuss the interests and concerns of a smaller group. It was decided <br />that this neighbor to neighbor smaller group meeting should take place on. June 19 and <br />that county staff would provide support including maps, preparation of meeting notices, <br />etc. as requested. The larger group public forum was scheduled for June 25. <br />The issue arose of how to pay for whatever improvements result from the Task Force <br />recommendations. Commissioner Carey suggested the importance of educating the <br />public about the need to determine how any improvements will be paid for by the <br />community at large, which has benefited from the present landfill and future transfer <br />station being in this community. It is likely that the financing of these improvements will <br />include a strategy that broadly spreads the burden of financing. <br />June 19, 2007 Neighbor to Neighbor Meeting (community initiated and conducted) <br />The Rogers Road area community held a neighbor to neighbor meeting on June 19 so that <br />area residents could discuss among themselves and organize their input to the Task Force <br />using broad neighborhood input and advice. The attached list of enhancements resulted <br />fiom this meeting and was distributed at the June 25, 2007 Task Force Meeting. <br />June 25, 2007 Meeting <br />The Task Force sponsored a community meeting attended by about 30 Rogers Road area <br />residents. Notices were delivered advertising this public forum by mail, email, and <br />neighborhood handouts. The meeting was held at the Homestead Community Center. <br />The primary objectives of this meeting were to obtain further input regarding desired <br />2 <br />
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