Orange County NC Website
3. The County shall be responsible for securing cartographic and design services for the <br />production of the map. Said product shall be in a format acceptable to the Department <br />and will include safety information and riding tips. All work shall be undertaken in a <br />computer format compatible with DBPT and the Orange County Planning Department <br />equipment and resources. During the process of developing the map, all draft copies of <br />the cartographic design, map layout and safety information shall be submitted to the <br />Department for review and approval. The County and DBPT shall closely monitor the <br />development of the map and graphics, and thoroughly review the final draft for <br />inaccuracies. Any inaccuracies found shall be corrected by the County before submittal <br />of the final draft to the Department. <br />4. Upon approval of the final draft by the Department, the County shall print a minimum of <br />20,000 copies of the map in a full four-color format. One thousand (1,000) copies of the <br />completed map, plus a copy of the final digital files shall be provided to the Department <br />by the County. In addition, any artwork (including base map and overlays) created <br />specifically for this project shall become the property of the County and the Department. <br />5. All work shall be completed by the County within two (2) years from the date of <br />execution of this agreement unless a project extension is granted by the DBPT. Project <br />extension request shall be in writing and must provide sufficient justification. <br />6. The Department shall participate in the costs of the project for actual costs not to exceed <br />$50,000. Project costs that exceed this amount shall be borne by the County. <br />A. The County may bill the Department for actual costs as herein stated by submitting <br />partial invoices, in quadruplicate, to the Department's DBPT. Reimbursement to the <br />County shall be made upon approval of said invoices by the DBPT and the <br />Department's Fiscal Section. Payment by the Department shall be made to the <br />County within 30 days of the date of invoice. <br />B. If the work is performed by County force account, said invoices shall show a <br />summary of labor, labor additives, equipment, materials and other qualifying costs in <br />conformance with the standards for allowability of costs set forth in Office of <br />Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87. Reimbursement shall be based on <br />actual cost incurred with the exception of equipment owned by the County. <br />Reimbursement for rates of equipment owned by the County cannot exceed the <br />Department's rates in effect for the time period in which the work is performed. If <br />the work is performed by a contractor, said invoices shall show the contract cost. <br />C. In accordance with North Carolina General Statute 159-34, as amended by House Bill <br />1036, dated June 4, 1987, (an Act to Implement the Single Audit Act in North <br />Carolina), the County shall arrange for an independent financial and compliance audit <br />of its fiscal operations and grants administration in accordance with OMB Circular A- <br />128, "Audits of State and Local Governments" dated April 12, 1985 and the Federal <br />Single Audit of 1984. The County shall furnish the Department with a copy of the <br />independent audit report. <br />2 <br />