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F. It shall attend scheduled meetings with the Local Partnership as requested. <br />G. It shall obtain approval from the Local Partnership prior to implementation of any activity <br />changes. . <br />7. Scope of Work: <br />The Contractor agrees to provide services related to the Fit Communities, Health and Wellness Trust <br />Fund Grant submitted and approved for the Local Partnership. Specific services of the Contractor are <br />described below: <br />A. Provide oversight of the development of the community gardens sites in Carrboro; <br />B. Hire and supervise apart-time Garden Project Manager in the Cooperative Extension <br />Office to provide technical assistance, support, and management assistance for the <br />community garden sites. <br />C. Conduct a site analysis for each of the garden sites; <br />D. Make recommendations regarding the site preparation and assist in the development of <br />the site as appropriate; <br />E. Make recommendations for the purchase of all supplies and materials to support the <br />garden sites within budget limitations; <br />F. Work cooperatively with garden sites volunteers to ensure the successful development of <br />the garden sites. <br />G. Advise the Local Partnership on best practices and resources related to garden <br />development. <br />H. Submit required reports specified by the Local Partnership in a timely way and manner <br />specified by the Local Partnership and/or the Health and Wellness Trust Fund. <br />8. Payment for Services: <br />The total payment from the Local Partnership to the Contractor for provision of services under this <br />Contract shall not exceed 1$ 2,900 for the purposes of hiring project management staff to support the <br />development of the garden sites. <br />The Local Partnership has the authority to withhold payment if the Contractor fails to make <br />significant progress toward providing the services described in this agreement, or if the quality of <br />services provided fails to meet Local Partnership standards and expectations for any reason, or if the <br />Contractor fails to submit required reports or other required deliverables. <br />10. Payment Schedule: <br />In addition, the Contractor may request an advance of 25% of the total contract, or a total $3,225.00 <br />by submitting an invoice to the Local Partnership that is on the contractor's letterhead and signed by <br />the contract administrator. <br />The Contractor will invoice the Local Partnership at the beginning of each month for services <br />rendered during the previous month, providing supporting documentation for all approved expense <br />items. Invoices are due no later then the 10`h of the month. Payment to the Contractor will be made <br />within 30 days of receipt of invoice. <br />