Orange County NC Website
iD-5-~7 <br />G~ <br />NC Cooperative Extension Contractor Agreement <br />For: <br />Orange County Partnership for Young Children Garden Project Grant <br />Independent Contractor Contract <br />Orange County Center North Carolina Cooperative Extension <br />Orange County Community Gardens Coordinator <br />This contract it between the county of Orange for its Orange County Center, North <br />Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Orange County Community Gardens <br />Coordinator, herein referred to as the County and Coordinator. It is understood that the <br />Coordinator will provide program support in the Orange County Community Gardens <br />Project, specifically in Carrboro pursuant to the terms and conditions as follows: <br />I. Duties of the Coordinator <br />A. Organize gardeners' meetings and recruiting new participants. <br />B. Develop educational materials and communicate with gardeners <br />C. Coordinate materials, supplies, and equipment <br />II. Duties of the Count: <br />A. Provide supervision and guidance. <br />B. Provide educational materials <br />C. Assist with gardening activities <br />III. Compensation: <br />The Coordinator will receive payment of to be paid at an hourly rate of $19.00 <br />detailed in the following weekly schedule: <br />30 weeks @ 16 hours per week <br />22 weeks @ 8 hours per week <br />Total Hours <br />= 480 hours <br />= 176 hours <br />= 656 hours X $19.00/hour = $12,464 <br />IV. Terms of Agreement: <br />To be in effect from the date of signature through the completion of the said program on <br />June 30, 2009. The coordinator shall be deemed to be an independent contractor as is <br />defined under North Carolina laws. <br />Coordinator Signature: Date: G ~ <br />Social Security Number: <br />Oran <br />BY: <br />ge Co Board of Co ty Co 'sinners <br />arr a s, Ch Date <br />