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~8 <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the Board approve the plat with the <br />variances as presented by the Assistant Planning Director. <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson. <br />Voting aye were Commissioners Garrett, Gustaveson, Walker and <br />Whiffed. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Pinney. <br />The Chairman declared the motion passed <br />Chairman Garrett referred to ztem #4 on the Agenda: Adoption of a <br />resolution requesting the Orange County Board of Education to convey the <br />Old Grady Brown School site to Orange County. <br />The County Attorney stated that he had talked with Mr. George <br />Williams, Superintendent o~ the Orange County Schools, regarding the <br />County Board acquiring the Old Grady Brown School property. Mr. <br />Williams desires a document from the County requesting the transfer of <br />the property; what portion is to be transferred; and the intended use <br />of the property. <br />The County Attorney was requested to prepare such a resolution <br />stating the portions to be transferred including the property "across <br />the street"; and the intended use of the property. <br />The Chairman referred to Item #6 on the Agenda: Board of Commissioners <br />discussion of consultants proposals. <br />Mrs. Garrett referred to the three proposals the Consultants had <br />prepared. She asked for discussion from members of the Board as to what <br />the Board wanted from the Consultants. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he felt all the .Consultants will <br />tell us is what we want to hear and if the Board knows what they want <br />than the Board could do it themselves. That a study will take from 4 to <br />6 months. <br />Commissioner Pinney presented to the Board photographs of the Old <br />Grady Brown School buildings and stated that the gymnasium and buildings <br />were being vandalized and that the Board could not wait four to six <br />months to move. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that she felt the Recreation Department <br />could be moved into the gymnasium but she did not feel the County should <br />spend money on the other buildings unti the Board knew what they were <br />doing and why. She stated that the County should have planned use of <br />the Grady Brown buildings. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson spoke of the immediate needs of the County <br />which now exist - jail, Chapel Hill office space, Court needs. He asked <br />"haw serious are these needs"? He.then spoke of the space needs within <br />the next ten years. The growth and development of new services that <br />County Government would be engaged in the future. He inquired "what <br />kind of space needs will be needed in ten years?" Commissioner <br />Gustaveson stated further that he felt the board needed someone to <br />look at the growth and development of the next decade, some kind of <br />engineering and architectual space analysis. <br />Commissioner Pinney reminded the Board that the Old Grady Brown <br />buildings had 62,000 square feet of space not including the gym. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that the cost of renovation was important. <br />Commissioner Whitted agreed with Commissioner Gustavesan's long <br />term view, however, he felt the immediate thing to leak at was the pre- <br />sent heating system at the Old Grady Brown School. Could it be used to <br />get the Recreation Department into the gym as soon as possible? He <br />stated further, that he felt a study should be done of the passible uses <br />of Grady Brawn School. The immediate thing that should be done is the <br />transfer of the property. <br />