Orange County NC Website
"73 <br />Se th4 Dzstr3.ct and the G,unty irx pxepaxi_zg znd ~eL`~.enting <br />x~:scuxce cans~rvation plans wzth n 'ch2 Z~,~ts outlined µbo•~av <br />i']HiT T":ir CG7T1xX WILT DO: <br />,l. I;cve? ep procr.~xes :c"ar th.. cxri.eriy and. pregxessxve ha.~d:~i*sc~ . <br />c~ xe:~`~^rra s to be sexviced. by tl~e Dis;.xzst, St si7.a',~ be <br />'the respnr_szUi z ity of 'the Cou:ztJ 'LP ir~o,:a xecip ie~~ts of <br />sex-,rites provided by the Ai strict aS these pxQG?~kres. <br />2. F~ resporsalale fox d4terainzng the xecipix~.ts o~ sexvices <br />pxav~.ded bq the D:s,stra.ct, vrit;i funds supplied by the C~a.nMy, <br />3. ii:xna.sls the pi stxzct annually, an est5.~ate of tha numbex o;E <br />xctexxal•s it t~rxl? s~:'oxait to the DistxiCt 3.n the yeax. <br />T:~e Gbunty ari?3 suit xts xe~exxal estiaate to the District <br />30 days be~oxe a budget estir+-iate is needed by the (]aunty. <br />.~. X3n resp axzsib:te fox such enfaxc~,ent as xpgaired to insure the <br />cor_sexvatXVn develop;~.ent azAd r:isa use o~ land, watex, and xe^ <br />lata_3 xesouxces t~ixthin 'the Caazzty. Aevetapnent rrEll be da,.? <br />in accoxd~xce t~rit?'t appxavcd cansezvati.on plans and adopted <br />standards axed sp4cifXCatians, <br />XT 1S FU22~31;~ L1?~TDERS~D: <br />x.!ex paxty, as ~utua'! l.y agreed upon, rrxlx provide ox ar; auge <br />~dx s+sci~ additional services, facilitaes, equipr~ent, peate~a7.s,. <br />4nd arxangc~en'Es as raay be xeyuixed to achieve eczaaon o7ajectives, <br />?., 1'exsaxu~el and. ~aciliti Es o:~ the Gaunty, ttza Sexva_ce, aesd the <br />Dr,s'tri.ct sha?1 be undex the jurisdiction a:E th.eix respective <br />c:°:.playexss each retaining t,ie .rig~.e. to establish. readquart~xs <br />for its persan,-zsl. at such places as it de~*e.s rast ap_nropxiate. <br />3. rZin:~s s=~p~,lied the Di stxic•t by the Caixnty tvzll be txa;ts~exxed <br />to the treasurer o:f t:ze Dzstra.ct to be e:~ended at t:te d? x~t;.an <br />a:E she Distxwc':.. <br />~. ~exSallnel. a_'~d ~acili-+.ies supplied tv~ i:Yi Cc;xnty funds sha? 3. bL <br />under the ad-zixzistrative ;;urisdiction o~ the wunty a;~d <br />teChxsica'?Iy xesponsable to 'tkze Disttrict Consexva'tionist c:t <br />tae Sc^."a"t11.cC. <br />