Orange County NC Website
s9 <br />quarter of a million volumes a year today. <br />The growth of this Library could not have been achieved. without <br />the guidance of a person as competent as Mrs. Geer. The community's <br />acceptance of its library could never have been attained without <br />the guiding hand of a warm, friendly, and sensitive leader such as <br />Mrs. Geer. <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County acting in behalf of all the citizens of Orange <br />County expresses its deepest regrets over the untimely passing <br />of ELIZABETH DANTZLER DEER. <br />BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be <br />signed and sealed by the Chairman and each Member of the <br />Board of Commissioners and a copy filed with the permanent <br />records of Orange County." <br />Commissioner Jan Pinney introduced the above mentioned Resolution, and <br />Commissioner Walker seconded the motion that the Resolution be adopted. <br />A11 members of the Board voted aye. <br />The Chairman referred to Item # 8 on the Agenda: (The State Depart- <br />ment of Transportation is ready to rpopose its Secondary Road Plan for <br />Fiscal Xeax 1975-1876 for Orange County.) They have requested the County <br />set a date for a public hearing on this proposal. <br />The Board agreed to schedule the proposed Read Public Hearinq for <br />Thursday, October 9, 1975, at 7:30 p.m., at the Courthouse. <br />The Chairman referred to Item #3 on the Agenda: (The New Hope Rural <br />Volunteer Fire Department has bey letter asked the Board of Commissioners <br />to request the State Department of Transportation to pave the drive lead- <br />ing from the State Road into the Fire Station). <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinny, seconded by Commissioner <br />Walker, it was moved and adopted that a letter be sent to Mr. Sam <br />Jones, District Engineer, informing him of the Board's action. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #10 on the Agenda: (Report from <br />the County Attorney concerning the proposed transfer of the Northside <br />School property to Orange County.) <br />The County Attorney'stated that he had completed the title to the <br />Northside property and several tracts make up the Northside property. <br />However, several of the trant's descriptions are not adequately, there- <br />fore, he was not able to determine where one tract ends and another begins. <br />Apparently, there has been no dispute about the property since the Chapel <br />Hill Carrboro School System acquired the land. <br />Commissioner Walker inquired who owned the land before the School <br />System acquired it and wasn't the property given for educational purposes <br />only? <br />The County Attorney replied that a Mr. Stroud was the owner of a <br />nine acre tract and that the land was given to the school for educational <br />purposes and that this could create a problem, however, if the School <br />Board wants to convey the property, a survey would have to be made with <br />and without the Stroud property and the County Attorney will then make <br />a decision as to what should be done, whether to include the Stroud pro- <br />perty or exclude the Stroud property in the conveyance. <br />The County Attorney stated that he could not say what the County <br />would be getting into. <br />The County Attorney explained to the Board the phase "Doctrine of <br />color". He stated that once someone applied for title to property, assum- <br />ing there is a basis in the Grantor for having sufficient title to give <br />to someone or not, the person who takes and holds under color of title <br />seven years has obtained title to the property in effect. This is known <br />as "doctrine of color of title for adverse possession". This is effective <br />from conveyance to conveyance. Mr. Coleman stated that he was talking. <br />about property where there was no record of title ownership. <br />The County Attorney spoke of title reversion. He stated tha*_ <br />