Orange County NC Website
68 <br />Chairman Garrett pointed out that by Resolution of the ~aafd, meetings <br />adjourned at 10:30 p.m. She inquired of each Board member if they <br />would agree to a 15 minute extension. It was agreed to extend the <br />meeting far 15 minutes. <br />Chaarman Garrett advised the group that the County Attorney was in <br />the process of preparing a statement and/or resolution for the Board to <br />consider. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson withdrew his substitute motion and his <br />amended motion. Commissioner Pinney withdrew his motion and Commis- <br />sioner Y7alker agreed to the withdrawal. <br />Commissioner Pinr_ey moved for the adoption of the following <br />resolution. Commissioner Walker seconded this motion. <br />The Chairman called for the vote. <br />Voting aye were Co~unissior_er Garrett, Gustaveson, Pinney and Whitted. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner walker. <br />The Chairman declared the motion passed. <br />"BE IT RESOLVED that since the State of North Carolina's three <br />plans presented to the Orange County Commissioners on August 12, <br />1975 to develop the Eno River State Park do not adequately protect <br />- and preserve the Eno River Valley that the Orange County Board of Cam- <br />missioners are in opposition to the said plans as presented and we do <br />request the State to give specific consideration to the rights of <br />property owners along the Eno River." <br />The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the adapted Resolution <br />to Secretary James E. Harrington, Secretary of Natural and Economic <br />Resources. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson proposed that a six member Task Force be <br />appointed by the Board to work for the next four months to consider <br />various ways that the Eno Valley can be preserved and that each Commis- <br />sioner make one appointment to this Task Force and that the Board select <br />the Chairman of the Task Force and establish guidelines to be used for <br />the Task Force. <br />Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Walker spoke in opposition to the appeintment of the <br />Task Force and stated that he felt the majority of the group present <br />opposed any State Park on the Eno. <br />Chairman Garrett spoke in favor of Commissioner Gus±aveson's motion. <br />The Chairman Called for the vote. <br />Voting aye were Commissioner Garrett, Gustaveson, Pinney and Whitted. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Walker. <br />The Board took a five minute recess. <br />Chairmar_ Garrett referred to Item # 9 on the Ager_da: (A resolution <br />memorializing the life and memory of r4rs. William Geer). <br />"IN 1958 ELIZABETH DANTZLER GEER became totally involved with <br />- the Ghapel Hill Communi*_y effort tc develop an outstanding public <br />library. She served first as Secretary of the Community Study <br />Committee for a Chapel Hill Public Library. Later, when the Library <br />became a reality, she was a volunteer worker, next a part time <br />Librarian, then a full time Librarian and finally Library Director. <br />During Tits. Geer's years of Service, the library grew from its <br />small quarters in a house behind the University Baptist Church to <br />its present facility, often called one of the most beautiful Library <br />buildings in our State. Registered readers increased from $,500 in <br />the early years to more that. 0,000 today. Bov:c circulation increased <br />from 75,000 volumes annually in the beginning to more than one <br />