Orange County NC Website
~~hmei~f ,~ <br />• <br />• <br />Library staffing data for branches <br />Currently, the branches of Carrboro McDougle, Cedar Grove, and Cybrary do not have <br />any full time positions. The positions are part-time permanent + non- permanent staff. <br />Carrboro McDouple <br />Librarian <br />Library Asst II <br />Library Asst II <br />FTEs <br />Non- permanent personnel cost <br />Current Total Personnel Cost per Branch <br />30 hour per week <br />25 hour per week <br />15 hour per week <br />1.75 <br />$14,695 <br />$102,081 <br />Cedar Grove <br />Librarian <br />Circulation Supervisor <br />FTEs <br />Non -permanent personnel cost <br />Current Total Personnel Cost per Branch <br />Cybrary <br />Librarian <br />Circulation Supervisor <br />FTEs <br />Non- permanent personnel cost <br />Current Total Personnel Cost per Branch <br />30 hour per week <br />20 hour per week <br />1.25 <br />$13,350 <br />$79,667 <br />30 hour per week <br />20 hour per week <br />1.25 <br />$2,500 <br />$70,363 <br />Library Branch Positions Grade level Salary Ranges (without benefits <br />Non- permanent staff - $10.13 / hr <br />Library Asst I I 9 $27,300 - 43,688 <br />Circulation Supervisor 12 $31,693 -50,665 <br />Librarian 16 $38,615 - 61,730 <br /> <br />