Orange County NC Website
2 <br />new school. Staff and the County Attorney have noted one new component of the proposed <br />sewer easements - a proposed easement that wraps around the elementary school parcel on <br />the outside of the property. This would provide for potential future expansion of the sewer line <br />to serve additional properties within the OWASA service area to the north and east. It is not <br />clear what effect this location on the outside of the elementary school parcel may have on <br />future development of the residual portion of the educational campus that is located north of <br />Jones Creek and the Piedmont EMC power easement. Staff is seeking additional clarification <br />from the engineer and OWASA to determine potential impact and will report to the Board <br />when the easement is presented for consideration. <br />CHCCS administration indicates that the easements are needed at this time in order to keep <br />the elementary school on schedule. In order to accomplish this, conversations between <br />CHGCS and County representatives with the property owners to the south will be needed. <br />FINANCIAL IMPAGT: There is no projected financial impact with the granting of easements <br />on the County's Twin Creeks property, except for staff and attorney time involved in <br />addressing easement documents. The cost of the sewer line is included in the Elementary <br />#10 capital project budget. It is anticipated that there would be no impact for the acquisition <br />of off-site easements on the two properties to the south. The planned Ballentine subdivision <br />would benefit by the provision of a sewer easement, as this sewer outfall also helps serve <br />that development. The change on the Glen Ridge Homeowners Association property is a <br />small shift of an existing easement. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) Authorize staff and the County Attorney to pursue easements on the Twin Creeks site <br />as described and present them for Board approval as quickly as practicable; and <br />2) Authorize representatives from the County and CHCCS to discuss and secure <br />easements as shown from MI Homes and Glen Ridge Homeowners Association. <br />