Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: October 9, 2007 <br />Action Age <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT• Application and Acceptance of 2008 EMS Toolkit Grant <br />DEPARTMENT: Emergency Services PUBLIC HEARING: (YIN) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Grant Application Packet Clint Osborn, 968-2050 <br />PURPOSE: To approve the application after the fact and approve any eventual acceptance of <br />the 2008 EMS Toolkit Grant from the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical System <br />NCOEMS) to help support the County EMS data implementation system project. <br />BACKGROUND: On May 15, 2007, the Board approved a bid award to Zoll Data Systems to <br />implement an electronic patient care reporting system in the amount of $171,991. The Zoll data <br />system is for software only and the project has been augmented by approximately another <br />$100,000 in County capital improvement funds for corresponding hardware, making this a major <br />$277,000 initiative for Orange County Emergency Services. <br />Recently, the North Carolina Office of EMS opened up the 2008 Toolkit Grant program to <br />support new and existing initiatives at the county level that focus on the improvement of EMS <br />system response times based on the capture of data points from the NCOEMS Prehospital <br />Information Management System (PreMIS). Initially, Orange County Emergency Services staff <br />believed that Orange County EMS was ineligible because of historically insufficient data capture <br />owing to the current manual records and data capture system. However, ongoing discussion <br />with representatives of NCOEMS indicates that, given the thrust of the overall project (the Zoll <br />data system above and this current request) to improve electronic data entry, as well as to <br />leverage the financial support against an existing implementation, Orange County can and <br />should apply for this grant. <br />Given the initial uncertainty over eligibility and a short turnaround deadline of September 28, <br />2007, Orange County applied for the grant without initial Board approval in order to continue the <br />process of application while further investigating the opportunity to utilize further funding to <br />support this important ongoing project. However, should the Board choose to discontinue the <br />application process, Emergency Services staff will withdraw the application in writing to the <br />NCOEMS. <br />