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Commissioner v'hitted moved that $825.00 for Council or. Aging - <br />Chore Service; $1,500.00 for CR23; $10,262.00 for Joint Orange-Chatham <br />Community Action - Mobile Meals and Legal Aid; $3,350.00 for Orange <br />Day Care Coalition - Health Support Services, totaling $15,937.00. <br />Discussion erused. ConL-nissioner ~i4hitted then amended his original <br />motion to delete $6,262.00 for Mobile Meals - Joint Orange-Chatham <br />Community Action, thus leaving a total of $9,675.00 for local match <br />to Title Y:~. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the priority that had been stated by <br />Joint Orange-Chatham Community Action group. Chairman Garrett pointed <br />out that there were other nutrition programs that were being carried <br />on by other agencies and that to her knowledge nothing was being done <br />in the way of Legal Aid. <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />s <br />Cot~vnissioner Pinney stated that he 'felt the $4,000.00 should be <br />allocated to the priority items of the agencies that are requesting <br />the programs. <br />C~rair:.~1ati ~.;axrett called fog- the vote. <br />Corntaissioners Garrett, Gustaveson and Whitted voted aye. <br />Commissioners Pinney and Walker voted nay. <br />Chairman Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />Chairman Garrett inquired if the Board would agree to defer from <br />the Agenda to Item #9. The Board then adjourned to the Superior Court- <br />room in order to accommodate all persons present. <br />A slide presentation of alternate proposals for the Eno State Park <br />was presented by the State Division of Recreation and Parks. <br />There were present opponents of the proposed Eno State Park. <br />These opponents made specific requests from the representatives of <br />the Division of Recreation and Parks. <br />After the presentation and discussion the Board adjourned back <br />to the Commissioners' Room. <br />At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Walker left the meeting. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #9 on the Agenda: (B. State <br />Title XX Plan). Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner Whitted,it was moved and adopted that the Chairman be .directed <br />to write to the State board of Social Services and make such comments <br />as she feels appropriate concerning the State Title XX Plan. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #3 (C) on the Agenda which was <br />discussed earlier in the meeting. <br />The Board agreed to delay these appointments in order to determine <br />if a Planning Board member could live outside of his district planning <br />jurisdiction. The County Attorney was requested to research the matter <br />and the item is: to be cansiczere^ at the August 19th meeting. <br />Item #6 on the Agenda *.~+as referrer. to: (Designation of Time for <br />Future Meetings). <br />Discussion enuse~3 cor_cerr_ing the 201 3tu~?y. <br />3~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner ~~itted, <br />it was moved and adopted that the Board endorse the firm of Wiggins and <br />Rirrcmer as the En.lineer: for the F~illsborough Area ?.G1 Study. <br />It was agreed that the Board would meet with the County Board of <br />Education on Thursday, August 28, 1975, at 7x30 p.m. George :h~illiams, <br />Jahn Wolfe and Norman Walker are to be notified. <br />