Orange County NC Website
.104 employees eligible for full (26) or reduced retirement (78) as of July 1, 2009 <br /> .Anticipate 10-20% of eligible employees would volunteer <br /> •Savings would be realized by <br /> •Not filling vacated position for period of time <br /> •Hiring new employees at lower salary than current employee <br /> .Staff currently analyzing models to determine specific incentives and cost savings <br /> OFreeze Vacant Positions <br /> •Freeze non-critical vacant positions for 12 months <br /> •Freeze critical vacant positions for 3 months <br /> OOvertime <br /> •Reduce overtime funding for non-critical programs <br /> Reassignment of Staff <br /> - From certain non-critical/non-core functions to critical/core functions to offset increased <br /> workloads and/or maximize revenue <br /> o For example, reassign employees to DSS to expedite economic services intake <br /> (food stamps, etc). <br /> • Would offset increased work load <br /> • County will receive 50% reimbursement for time worked in DSS <br /> o Other examples include <br /> • Library Services <br /> • Custodial Services <br /> • Parks <br /> • Building Inspections <br /> Board Priorities (See table listing priorities) <br /> Preliminary Estimate - Costs of Opening New Facilities (see table) <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked why interns were being paid. Laura Blackmon said that <br /> some internships are non-paid, but traditionally they have been treated like temporary <br /> employees and paid a living wage. This does not mean that the County could not offer UNC <br /> interns this proposal of a non-paid position. <br /> Commissioner Nelson made reference to Parks and Recreation and the cut of all but <br /> one festival and asked which one would be kept. Parks and Recreation Director Lori Taft said <br /> that there has been no decision on this yet. The department has to come up with a process to <br /> select one festival. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to retirement and asked if there are any on-going <br /> expenses to the County once someone retires and Laura Blackmon said that the County pays <br /> the health insurance and a portion of the dependent coverage. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that before encouraging early retirement, he would like to <br /> see the net savings of doing this. He suggested looking at readjusting what is offered to <br /> retirees. Laura Blackmon said that this year the County is paying about one cent of the tax rate <br /> for retiree benefits. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked what would be done with the employee survey and Laura <br /> Blackmon said that the results of the survey will come back in the recommended balanced <br />