Minutes - 20090414
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20090414
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3/15/2016 11:27:26 AM
Creation date
5/6/2009 10:03:40 AM
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Agenda - 04-14-2009
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Chair Foushee said that a report on this program, along with considering the four items <br /> that Commissioner Gordon brought forward would be a way to move forward immediately on <br /> communication issues. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs does not want to lose having an organized plan for emerging <br /> technologies. <br /> Commissioner Foushee suggested having an agenda item to task a group to do this. <br /> Commissioner Pellisier said that she has heard that Onslow County does not have to <br /> contract out for the minutes because of this program, and it saves money. Also, she <br /> suggested asking advisory boards for suggestions on this topic. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that she has a committee, which includes Economic <br /> Development, Information Technology, Planning, and the Assistant County Manager to figure <br /> out how to take advantage of some of the stimulus money. <br /> Clerk to the Board Donna Baker said that the towns still use transcribers because of the <br /> nature of this area and the boards wanting more minutes than just the motions. <br /> David Hunt said that there are area organizations, Public Information Officer type <br /> groups, which share some of the tools that are being used with success. There is a North <br /> Carolina Government Information Officer organization that has a lot of information. <br /> Discussion ensued about the things that are already being done, such as the agenda <br /> items with the action taken being on the website. <br /> Concern was expressed that the public does not know about these things. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the bottom line is that someone has to be dedicated to doing <br /> all of these things all of the time. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that there was someone in the Manager's Office at one time <br /> that was supposed to be doing these types of things, but it never came to fruition. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that staff will come back with a report on Granicus and the four <br /> items as suggested by Commissioner Gordon above. <br /> 8. Board members will acknowledge receipt of a response from staff to their(the <br /> board member's) request and staff will acknowledge receipt of emails from BOCC. <br /> This is currently being done. <br /> 9. Board members to check emails from the County at least every two days. <br /> The Board is currently doing this. <br /> Meeting Management <br /> 10. Board members will come prepared for the meeting by bringing printed materials <br /> with them so staff can avoid making wasteful, duplicate copies. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that they are doing better with this and Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> said that he still gets duplicates. <br /> Chair Foushee said that she encourages people to take items with them, and they do <br /> not, and because staff does not know who took their materials and who did not, they have to <br /> make enough copies for everyone. <br />
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