Orange County NC Website
BROADBAND UPDATE <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he and Commissioner Hemminger were at the TJCOG <br /> meeting last week. There was a presentation on broadband access and the stimulus bill. <br /> Mr. Sepe told them Orange County and Chatham County were in a good position to get <br /> monies for broadband. Mr. Sepe said Orange County would be in a much better position <br /> if they had a plan and Mr. Sepe offered to assist. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked could staff be ready to draw up a plan to be ready in the fall <br /> when the monies come down <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said there could be list of competitors—and if state is distributing <br /> the money, then to have staff contact Mr. Sepe to help them draft a letter to get the federal <br /> money go directly to the county rather than the go through the state. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested having staff contact Mr. Sepe to help them draft the <br /> letter re: broadband stimulus money. <br /> Chair Foushee said they could discuss this at chair and vice chair and the Board agreed <br /> for them to move forward. <br /> 3. Adjourn <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br /> adjourn the meeting at 7:49 pm. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Valerie Foushee, Chair <br /> Donna S. Baker <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />