Orange County NC Website
Phase One: "Where are we now?" <br /> Phase One is a thorough review of the current status of fire/rescue services in Orange County, <br /> examining organizational structures, staffing, resources, operating and capital budgets, and <br /> current service delivery profiles. <br /> The resulting data would be analyzed compared to Federal and state laws and regulations that <br /> apply to fire and rescue operations, such as: <br /> • Fire Prevention and Protection Act, 1997 <br /> • State Public Fire Safety Guidelines <br /> • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1710 and 1720 pertinent to the <br /> organization and deployment of fire suppression operations, emergency medical <br /> operations, and special operations to the public by career and volunteer fire and EMS <br /> departments <br /> Data collected will parallel to the greatest extent practicable that necessary for any fire/rescue <br /> organization choosing to work towards achieving national accreditation. The approved final <br /> work product from Phase One would become the baseline for determining Phases Two and <br /> Three. <br /> County staff further recommends the Phase One final work product be presented to the public <br /> through one or more input and feedback sessions using an external facilitator. Findings from <br /> the feedback sessions would assist the steering committee in developing the formal RFP for <br /> Phase Two. The BOCC would approve the contract award for Phase Two. Phase One should <br /> take approximately 3-6 months from contract execution and cost an estimated $20,000- <br /> $25,000. The expert facilitation of public sessions is estimated at $5000-$7500. <br /> Phase Two: " Where do we want to go?" <br /> Phase Two is an environmental analysis focusing on fire/rescue services delivery in a modern <br /> and increasingly urban community with changes anticipated in population, demographics, <br /> urban development, the transportation network and other factors over the next five to ten <br /> years. The consultant would be directed to return with projections and scenarios for providing <br /> the most appropriate level of services within Orange County, identifying the risk factors, trigger <br /> points, and resource requirements involved in decision making. Phase Two may take <br /> approximately 3-6 months from contract execution and cost an estimated $25,000-$35,000. <br /> Phase Three: "How do we get there?" <br /> Phase Three is the development of a collaborative and detailed action plan built upon <br /> community values, best industry practices, risk management, and fiscal responsibility. The <br /> completed report would provide a strategy and financial roadmap for delivering a defined and <br /> acceptable level of fire/rescue services throughout the County. The ultimate "vision" on level <br /> of service and ability to pay is a decision to be made by the appointed and elected leadership <br /> based on sound information and public participation. The BOCC is responsible for setting the <br /> annual fire district tax rates and authorizing the annual budget for Emergency Services with <br /> related revenue from fire inspection fees. Phase Three may take approximately 6-8 months <br /> from contract execution and cost an estimated $35,000-$45,000. <br /> Initiating Phase One <br />