Orange County NC Website
Golden LEAF <br />FO€1NDAT10N <br />{LONG-TERM ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT FOUNClATION} <br />jE.SSi& THOMAS BUNN April 15, 20x9 p~~ ~ <br />CHA/RMANOFTLiEBOARD <br />Via E-Mail and US Mail <br />Geoffrey E. Gledhill <br />Coleman, Gledhill, Hargrave & Peek, P.C. <br />P.O. Drawer 1529 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear Geof: <br />This letter is to clarify the meaniiag of certain provisions of the Golden LEAF Grantee <br />Acknawiedgment and Agreement previously tendered to Orange County in connection with the <br />project "Piedmont Value-Added Shared-Use Food and. Agricultural Processing Center" (the <br />"Agreement"). The third sentence of Section 7 of the Agreement states that "[The Grantee] <br />agrees that it will use the funds from this grant only for charitable, educational, or scientific <br />purposes withixi the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, and that it will not use the funds <br />from this grant in any way that woald result in or give rise to private inurement or private <br />benefit" (emphasis supplied). This is to confirm: that it is the intent of Golden LEAF that the <br />phrase "private inurement" shall be construed to have the meaning assigned to that phrase by the <br />Internal Revenue Service, and that the phrase "private benefit" shall be construed to have the <br />meaning assigned to the phrase "impermissible private beneft" by the Internal Revenue Service. <br />You may #'md it helpful to consider Rev. RuI.56-304, which states as follows: <br />Organizations privately established and funded as charitable founda#ions which are <br />organized and actively operated to carry on one or more of the purposes specified in <br />section SO1{c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and which otherwise meet the <br />requirements for exemption from Federal income tax are not precluded froxxl making <br />distributions of their funds to individuals, provided such distributions are made on a true <br />charitable basis in furthezance of the puuposes for which they are organized. However, <br />organizations of this character which snake such distributions should maintain adequate <br />records and case histories to show the name and address of each recipient of aid; the <br />amount distributed to each; the purpose far which the aid was given; the manner in which <br />the recipient was selected and the relationship, if any, between the recipient and (1} <br />members, officers, or trustees of the organization, (2) a grantor or subs#antial contributor <br />to the organization or a member of the family of either, and (3) a corporation controlled <br />by a grantoz or substantial cozrtributor, in order that any or all distributions made to <br />individuals can be substantiated upon request by the Internal Revenue Service. <br />301 NORTH WINSTEAD AVENUE • ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 • {252) 442-7474 •(888) 684-8404 • FAX {252) 442-7404 <br /> • Email: lafoQgoldenleaforg <br />