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<br />adopt an Ordinance prohibiting development on lots of less than 40,000 <br />square feet where both septic tanks and private wells were used. An <br />Ordinance to accomplish this was not enacted at that time. Mr. Dobson <br />is repeating that request. A copy of his letter to Mrs. Garrett is <br />attached to this agenda). <br />Mark Burnham, Triangle J Council of Governments, advised the Board <br />that legislation recently enacted might eliminate the necessity for <br />adopting the 40,000 square feet Ordinance. <br />He stated that the Health Department had the authority to enact <br />local regulations as to lot size. Mr. Burnham stated that the State - <br />Board of Health had scheduled a meeting on July 15, 1975, at 10:00 for <br />the purpose of securing public reaction to the implementation of new <br />State regulations and these regulations could be moving in the direc- - <br />tion of lot size where septic tanks are involved. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item $1D on the Agenda: (A report by <br />the County Attorney concerning his research into the use of firearms). <br />Steve Bernholz, County Attorney, reported on the Statutes provi- <br />sion relative to firearms control. It was pointed out that the Board <br />did have the authority to adopt certain firearms control, however, the <br />enforcement aspect of any such Ordinance could be difficult. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the problems that could be encountered <br />by Law Enforcement Officers x'elative to the discharging of firearms. <br />The matter of a Noise Ordinance was brought before the Board. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />The County Attorney stated that he would try to secure copies of <br />various Ordinances from counties that had adopted such Ordinances. <br />Charrman Garrett referred to ltem #11 on the Agenda: (Commissioner _ <br />Pinney to review problems mobile home occupants are having complying <br />with the provisions of the State Building Gode regarding the anchoring <br />of their units). <br />Commissioner Jan Pinney stated that mobile home citizens were <br />encountering difficulty due to the fact that prior to being able to <br />secure an electrical inspection and/or permit that the current State <br />Building Code required that trailors be anchored. <br />Commissioner Pinney also pointed out that the Electrical Inspector <br />needed some assistance during the peak period of August thru September <br />as a number of mobile homes were being moved into the area due to the <br />beginning of the Fall semester at the University. <br />Discussion ensued on the problems of mobile home anchoring, <br />electrical inspections and other matters contained in the State Building <br />Codes. <br />The County Manager was authorized to emp]oy a temporary person to <br />assist the Electrical Inspector during the peak period and during his <br />vacation time. <br />a <br />Chairman Gazxett referred to Item #12 on the Agenda: (Authorizing <br />change i.n signatures on County Checks). <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Whitted, it was moved and adopted that Pdeal Evans , Financial Officer, <br />be designated as the individual who would sign all County chebks drawn `• <br />on the accounts of NCNB and CCB and that 5. M. Gattis, County Manager, <br />would be authorized to execute any County checks in the absence of the <br />Financial Officer. <br />The Board deferred from the Agenda and Chairman Garrett recognized <br />Ebert Pierce, County Extension Chairman. <br />