Orange County NC Website
<br />C)RANGE Ct~UNTY .~:~;~ ..a. <br />' 4~~ <br />~- <br />HUMAN RIGHTS ANQ RELA7~ONS <br />To: Laura Blackmon, Gwen Harvey <br />From: Shoshannah Smith <br />Re: Domestic Violence in Orange County <br />Date: March 20, 2009 <br />Domestic Violence in Oran4e Countu <br />Introduction <br />According to the Orange County Family Violence Prevention Center, <br />"Family/domestic violence is the use, or the threat of the use, of violence in an <br />intimate partner relationship to attain and maintain power and control. <br />Family/domestic violence is a pattern of intentionally violent and/or controlling <br />behavior. Domestic violence often involves the use of physical force but can also <br />include emotional abuse, sexual abuse, economic or financial abuse, isolation and <br />stalkingl." <br />All Domestic Violence (DV) incidents in Orange Count <br />It is extremely difficult to come up with a comprehensive total of DV incidents or <br />DV survivors, due to several factors. DV survivors enter "the system" from many <br />different points of access. For example, some call the police; some go directly to <br />the hospital for medical treatment; some call the Family Violence Prevention <br />Center or Legal Aid for support services. <br />Also, there is a question of whether a person is a DV survivor only if they were <br />personally abused, or if the children and other affected friends and family are <br />also survivors. Many of these secondary victims receive support services, such as <br />support groups through organizations like the Family Violence Prevention <br />Center. <br />Finally, many agencies keep separate, unlinked databases on this information. <br />These agencies include all law enforcement agencies within Orange County, UNC <br />Hospital services, the Family Violence Prevention Center, the Women's Center, <br />and Legal Aid of North Carolina. Because many survivors receive services from <br />multiple agencies -each of which may keep its own caseload database, it can <br />become difficult to determine if an aggregate of these diverse case logs contains <br />duplicates. <br />' <br />