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4 <br />• Administrative duties can be realigned to create efficiencies. <br />3. Broader opportunities for succession planning would exist in the larger department <br />4. Better overall coordination of the management of the County's many assets. <br />Purchasing and Central Services <br />As previously noted, this action would realign the Purchasing function with the new <br />department rather than with Financial Services. Although the alignment of a portion of <br />the Purchasing and Central Services Department with Financial Services was approved <br />by the Board in March 2008, functionally the reorganization was not carried out, pending <br />physical relocation of the Purchasing function to the Link Center. Funding for the Link <br />Center was delayed, thereby delaying the commencement of the renovation. <br />In addition to the natural connectivity to duties of the new department, maintaining the <br />Purchasing function outside of Financial Services provides better separation of duties <br />and strengthens internal control. As part of the proposed new department, the same <br />employees responsible for initiating purchases will not be the same employees who <br />can effect payment for the purchases, nor will they be supervised by an employee who <br />can do so. This would not be the case if consolidated with Financial Services. <br />Organization <br />In this proposal, the current Director of Purchasing and Central Services would assume <br />the role of Department Director of the proposed new department. To realize the <br />greatest efficiency with limited resources the new department is likely to operate within <br />functional or project oriented work teams before finalizing a formalized organizational <br />chart. It is expected the departmental structure will evolve as duties are realigned with <br />the stated purpose of the department and as attrition occurs among the staff. The <br />preliminary organization chart is attached to help the readers understand the categories <br />around which the work teams would be formed. <br />Service Locations <br />The new department would be located on the third floor of the new office building. The <br />building is scheduled for completion in late Spring-2009. <br />Public Works operations staff would remain at their current location on Highway 86N, <br />Hillsborough. <br />Name of Department <br />Several alternative names were considered for the proposed department. The working <br />title for the proposed department is: Asset Management & Purchasing Department <br />Reorganization Timeline <br />The consolidation of Engineering, Public Works and the Purchasing and Central <br />Services Department would become effective July 1, 2009. <br />