Minutes - 19750618
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19750618
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r <br />~~; <br />Upon motion of Commissioner LOalker, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, it was moved <br />that the per capita be set at two hundred and twenty-five dollars ($225.) per student <br />exclusive of ESA money and that the County School System be allocated one hundred <br />ninety-three thousand, two hundred and seventy-five ($193,275.) dollars and that the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System be allocated one hundred sixteen thousand, four <br />hundred and eighty-five ($116,485.) dollars and that in capital outlay the thirty <br />thousand ($30,000.) dollars that had been cut out be placed back in and that it be <br />divided equally between the two School Systems amounting to six hundred thirty-two <br />thousand ($632,000.) dollars each in the Capit Outlay Fund. <br />Chairman Garrett called for the vote. Commissioner Walker, Pinney, and Gustaveson <br />voted aye. Commissioner Garrett and TOhitted voted nay. <br />~. Chairman Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />It was pointed out that the 3oard had twenty-faux thousand, five hundred and <br />twenty-four ($29,524.) dollars to work with. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the twenty=four thousand, five hundred and twenty- <br />four ($24,524.) dollars be placed in the-General Fund and that the County adopt a sixty- <br />five (65C) cent per hundred ($100.) tax rate. The motion died for the lack of a second. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Finney, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was moved <br />that the 1975-1976 Budget be adapted and that the County establish a sixty-five cents <br />(65C) per one hundred dollars ($100.) tax rate and that twenty four thousand, five <br />hundred and twenty-four ($24,524.) dollars be placed in the General Fund. <br />Chairman Garrett called for a vote on the motion. Commissioners Pinney and Walker <br />voted aye. <br />Commissioner Garrett, Gustaveson, and Whined voted nay. <br />Chairman Garrett declared the motion failed. <br />piscussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved to reconsider the original motion that was made by <br />Commissioner Pinney. Commissioner Pinney seconded this motion. <br />Chairman Garrett called foz the vote. Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, and Walker <br />voted aye. Commissioners Garrett and Whined voted nay. <br />Chairman Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />Chairman Garrett inquired if the Board did not wish to disouss certain Personnel <br />matters as there were obvious areas that needed consideration. Discussion ensued con- <br />cerning the grade level of the Secretary to the Board. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to the recommendation that had been received from the <br />State Personnel Department. <br />The County Manager stated that he £e1t the proposed recommendation was too high <br />and that it should be classified as a "Steno 2." <br />Commissioner Whitted stated that he felt it should be classified as a "Steno 3." <br />The Board did not agree to meet in Executive Session for further Personnel <br />discussion. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, it was <br />moved that the Board adopt the 1975-1976 County Budget as amended by the Board and that <br />a sixty-five cents (654) per one hundred (S10D.) dollars tax rate be established. <br />Chairman Garrett called for a vote on the motion. <br />Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, and T~lalker voted aye. <br />Commissioners Garrett and Whitted voted nay. <br />Chairman Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />ORANGE COWTY, N. C. <br />1975-76 BUDGET ORDINA?dCE <br />"Be it ordained by the 3oard of Commissioners of Orange County, N. C. in regular <br />- session assembled: <br />Section-I: The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of County <br />government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975 <br />and ending June 30, 1976, according to the following summary and schedules. <br />
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