Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 5, 2009 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. --~ <br />SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Application for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act <br />Transit Funds <br />DEPARTMENT: Aging/Transportation PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) Yes <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Resolution <br />Public Hearing Notice <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Jerry Passmore, 245-2000 <br />AI Terry, 245-2008 <br />PURPOSE: To hold a required public hearing and approve submitting an application for <br />American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds for rural transit projects. <br />BACKGROUND: On February 17, 2009 President Barack Obama signed into law the American <br />Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. These funds are only eligible for capital projects and <br />are intended to preserve and create jobs, provide investments needed to increase economic <br />efficiencies, invest in transportation infrastructure, and stabilize state/local government budgets. <br />The Federal Transit Administration has awarded North Carolina non-urbanized areas $33.05 <br />million to stimulate the economy. The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public <br />Transportation Division requires a public hearing to ensure the residents of Orange County are <br />aware of the request for ARRA funds before submission. The application is due to NCDOT no <br />later than May 18, 2009 for review/acceptance by the North Carolina Board of Transportation. <br />All awarded funds will be presented to Orange County Finance/Budget offices as <br />reimbursement and must be spent no later than June 30, 2011. The following requests would <br />assist Orange County in achieving the above mentioned intentions: <br />A. Rolling Stock: Replace eight (8) vehicles in the transit fleet that are no longer in service <br />or require high maintenance costs. Two of the vehicles were approved in the FY <br />2009/2010 CTP grant application. All Vehicles will offer additional seating and will be <br />diesel. Requested amount: $1,517,600 <br />B. Associated Capital: Purchase shop equipment and spare vehicle parts to provide <br />safe/faster maintenance of vehicles. Purchase four(4) bike racks for public transit <br />vehicles. Promote alternative transportation by providing bike riders a safe storage on <br />public transit vehicles. Requested amount: $69,890 <br />C. Facility Improvement: Install steps and hand rails at the Transportation vehicle parking <br />lot. Allow safe access for all employees to the vehicles.. Requested amount: $8,500 <br />