Orange County NC Website
21 <br />SUMMARY OF KEY CONSERVATION STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR OWASA DRINKING WATER <br /> March 26, 20 09 <br />~Vllater Use Year-Round Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Emergenry <br /> 3 days per week, 1 day per week, <br />Spray Irrigation Applied tb Turf up to 1 inch per up to 1/2 inch per <br />brass week 6 pm - 30 week, 6 pm - 30 X X }( <br /> am only am only ` <br /> 3 days per week 3 days per week, <br />Spray Irrigation Applied to Non• up to 1 inch per up to 1 inch per 1 day per week, up to <br />Turf Punt NWteriak week 6 pm - ]O week 6 pm - 30 1/2 inch per week 6 x X <br /> am only am only Pm -10 am only <br />Drip irrigation, underground drip <br />emitters, soaker hose, hand- • <br />watering, and other non-spray ~ ~ ~ ~ x <br />methods allowed at any time or <br />frequency as noted. <br />Washing of Building Exteriors <br />Priorto Painting ~ ~ _ / X X <br />General Cleaning of Building <br /> <br />Exteriors, Paved Areas, Etc <br />~ <br />~ X <br />X <br />X <br />Ornamental Ponds, Fountains, <br />etc Filled, Refilled, or Topped Off ~ ~/' X }( ~( <br /> Only at coinmerdal <br /> or institutional <br /> <br />Vehide Washing <br />~ <br />~ fadlities where SOX <br />of the water has been <br />~( <br />~( <br /> recycled, is from a <br /> non-potable source, <br /> or from a well <br />Swimming Pools and Backyard- <br />Scate Fadllties to Support Wildiffe <br />Filled, Refilled, or Topped Off - ! <br />~` ~ / <br />`r' X • <br />Flushing or Pressure Testing New Only ff captured <br />Water Unes ~ ~' ~ ~ and returned to <br /> system <br />Year-Round Requirements, Regardless of Water Shortage Condition <br />> Automatic controllers and rainfall or soil moisture sensors required on all iMgation systems <br />> 'WastefuP water use• prohibited at a6 times <br />> Water leaks nwst be repaired wfthing ]O days of discovery and/or notification by OWASA <br />> Water may be served in restaurants only upon customer request <br />> HoteUmotel linens may only be changed upon ousromer changeover, every 5 days, or upon urstomer request <br />Symbols and Notes <br />* Please refer ro actual text of OWASA's Conservation Srondardsfor detalh. <br />Water use >s albwed <br />X Water use is cwt allowed <br />,~ ,~ . Restrittrons may not apply ro publk purpose athletic field; retreotiona/field; or public purpose botanical sites operated fn compliance <br />with OWASA-opprm ed Water Conservation Plaru. <br />~''~ ~ RestrkYions may not apply ro public purpose boronkal sites operated in compliance w/th OWASA-approved Water Conservotlon Plans. <br />